Forum Discussion

AkshayBhatia's avatar
New Contributor
5 months ago

Nested Parameters using Bound List


We are trying to build a CV where we need two parameter selections by the user. The first parameter selection needs to be passed into the second parameter. The second parameter is configured as a bound list using Method Type as Business Rule, and the first parameter selection needs to be passed as an argument in the Method Query - but the BR is not able to resolve the parameter value and is only able to read it literally. Following configuration is for the second parameter

The BR is reading t1 as "|!TestingPrompt1!|" and not the actual parameter value that was selected by the user. Any ideas on how to solve this are appreciated.



  • sameburn's avatar
    Contributor II

    Hi AkshayBhatia 

    It looks like you are executing your nested parameters outside a dashboard / components?

    If so this is expected behaviour because you are not receiving a parameter prompt selection, it is not resolving.

    If you move your two parameters (not sure what the first one is) to a dashboard and trigger a refresh between the component with parameter 1 e g combo box to the dashboard with your second component e.g combo box with your parameter 2 (that depends on parameter 1 result), it should resolve

    Hope this helps


    • DcDev's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Do you have any screenshot examples of this?  It would be helpful to see an example.  Thanks!

    • IBK's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Sam,

            I notice that you have worked a lot of parameters.  I have about the same as your example except they are list boxes . So taking it out from left  and move it to the right. For some reason the Dashboard Dataset is being called thrice when I set the paramter in a Dashboard Extender. The paramater has a value but drops the value the third time. 

      I do about the same thing as you have shown in the Tree Object example. Except I have 2 list boxes here. Any help would be appreciated. 

      Thank You,







      • sameburn's avatar
        Contributor II

        Hi Indu

        It's not very clear what you are trying to achieve based on your explanation.  Can I suggest you create a separate post for your different use case (to above) and provide screenshots of your setup; what is being refreshed and what you are using the DDS Business Rule to populate

        Alternatively, if you raise a ticket with support you can get help from me or one of my colleagues in Remote Consulting, to assist you with your development issue.  Please note that this will be considered billable.
