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Can Parameter Prompts be Removed When the Cube View is Opened in Excel?
Authored by Paula Mihalko
If you have a cube view that has a prompt (say for Entity) and you open the cube view in Excel, every time you refresh the prompt will pop up. Is there a way to "remember" the selection for that parameter or otherwise remove the prompt?
Yes, by setting up a NAMED RANGE cell with the same name as the parameter.
Example cube view - note there's a prompt for the Entity:
Open the Cube View in Excel
By creating a Cube View Connection
Here's what the Cube View looks like:
To "replace" the need for the prompt, add a single cell named range with the same name as the parameter:
Then when the sheet is refreshed, there's no popup for the parameter.
- Nikpowar972 years agoContributor
Hey ajslack ,
Thanks for posting this thread. I have acheive this but I am facing an issue in to make my the CV more generic. We have a solution implemented using table views and the parameters in an EXCEL.
The solution works flawlessly when you refer a parameter in the CubeView.
I wanted to make this solution available to achieve this I am passing the cubeview name in Rows and column sharing.
When I try to refer the XFBR in the CubeView POV refering the paramter in a XFBR paramter. the XFBR return the value in error log as epected but Does not render the Cube View in Excel 😞
Image below using XFBR retrun value in error log but does bot render the CV in excel.
If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("GetPOVEntity") Then
Dim result As String
Dim CV As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("CV") & ")"
Dim excelEntity As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("prmEntity", "Not found")Dim povEntity As String = BRApi.CubeViews.Metadata.GetCubeViewItemUsingName(si, CV, False, False, args.CustomSubstVars).CubeView.CubeViewPovMembers.Entity.Name
If povEntity.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("|!prm_WorkspacePov_Entity_CWM!|") Then
result = excelEntity
' result = "|!prm_WorkspacePov_Entity_CWM!|" 'NIK WAS TESTING COMMENTED
result = povEntity
End If
' Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"povEntity: " & povEntity)
' Brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"excelEntity: " & excelEntity)
Brapi.ErrorLog.Logmessage(si, "result = " & result)Return result
however the normal parameter works.
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- 11 months ago