Forum Discussion

Rithik_Prem's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Remove / Collapse / Eliminate CubeView Report Title using CubeView Extender Rules


Report Title is hidden in CV Extender but can it be collapsed?

Using above code it is hiding Report Title, But it is consuming too much space, Is there any way to Remove / Collapse / Eliminate CubeView Report Title using CubeView Extender Rules. 

Any solutions would be Helpful.

Thank you

  • Have a look at the properties of that object in Intellisense and try to play with them. For example set CanShrink to True, set FontSize to something small, set Text to an empty string, etc etc.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Have a look at the properties of that object in Intellisense and try to play with them. For example set CanShrink to True, set FontSize to something small, set Text to an empty string, etc etc.