Report Book or Dashboard query - is there a way to combine multiple cube views on the same page?
Hi all,
I've created 6 separate cube views to replicate a pdf report that we send out monthly to the Board. The CV's themselves are not too big - say 10-15 columns by about 15 rows. In the report, we previously combine the 6 tables into 1 pdf across 2 pages - normally a cut and paste job from Excel.
Now that I have built the cube views, is there a way to combine all of these onto one or 2 pages in a Report Book? I have created a book now with them, but the CV reports print to separate pages. Because of this, they only take up 1/4 of the page, so there is a lot of white space and would then push the report out from 2 pages to 6 pages - not ideal to present to the board.
Alternatively, is there a dashboard layout where you can combine and export multiple CV's on the same page? My current dashboards are in the Tab layout with the CVs separated by tabs.
I know an easier option would be to create a large cube view and separate the reports with blank rows, but this isn't possible since the CVs have different columns.