Return items from one dimension based on another dimension
I have a CubeView with 2 nested rows.
Row 1 - |!varEntity!|.Base (say this will return 5 entities - this is a drop down in a Dashboard)
Row 2 - XFBR(myModule_ParamHelper, GetWBS_by_Entity, Entity=|!varEntity!|)
This rule checks for WBSs where Text2 = Entity (i.e. WBS1 - Text2 = Entity1, WBS2 - Text2 = Entity2)
When I execute the CubeView, I see all the 5 Entities, and in the nested Row, I get the WBSs where Text2 = the first Entity only).
I understand why it is doing this, as the variable gets the same value and passes to the rule.
I also tried |PovEntity| and |CVEntity|.
PovEntity returns blank, and CVEntity return what is in the Cube Pov section, which I tried with a value or blank.
I also tried WBSDim.Base.Where(Text2 = |CVEntity|) --- or PovEntity - comes blank
Is there a way to pass the value of each evaluated Entity row to the WBS row?
The result should be something like:
Entity1 | WBS1 |
WBS2 | |
Entity2 | WBS3 |
WBS4 | |
WBS5 |