Forum Discussion

rjgoss's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

User Input Values for Quick Views

Has anyone come across a simple way to incorporate user input values with a Quick View?  Our users very much prefer the Excel Add-In with Quick Views and tend not to like the predefined nature of cube views.  This has been one of the main sources of frustration expressed since we switched from Hyperion to OneStream about 1.5 years ago.

Here is a simple example with the Time dimension of what was frequently done with Hyperion Smart View.

An Excel file has 10 tabs, one named Input.  On the Input tab the user enters a Time member in a cell.  The other nine tabs link to that Time cell.  With Smart View the user only had to change one cell no matter how many other tabs there were.  With Quick Views the user has to change the T# value in every Quick View in the file.

I know this is a simple example, and if it was always for month-end, something like T#Global could be used, but they wish to be able to set the values for any number of dimensions and only have to set them once.

I did create a way to accomplish this for any dimension, but while the method to submit a value to use was okay, the formulas that have to be used to in the Member Filter Builder to retrieve are rather cumbersome.  If you're interested in seeing that, let me know and I will gladly share it with you.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

  • Hello! 

    We use formulas to load too as they give us the most flexibility (as you said, change things on one "set up" tab and that carries to the other tabs. The one thing you can do if you're hooked on QVs is to set the time filter as POVTime and then it'll be based on the POV tab for all QVs. Same idea, change it in one place and it updates everything in the file. Hope that helps - let me know if you'd like screenshot samples!

  • XFGetCell formulas are your best bet to achieve something similar to what you used to do in Hyperion Smart View. You could use excel cell references and build a report. See screenshot below for a sample. You could set up the time and other dims on an input sheet as global references based on your needs.

  • rjgoss's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thanks for the reply.  My apologies, I should have mentioned in the original post that I was aware of the XFGetCell formulas, but hoping there was a method other than that.  It's still great information to share with the OneStream Community, so thanks again.

  • NicoleBruno's avatar
    Valued Contributor


    We use formulas to load too as they give us the most flexibility (as you said, change things on one "set up" tab and that carries to the other tabs. The one thing you can do if you're hooked on QVs is to set the time filter as POVTime and then it'll be based on the POV tab for all QVs. Same idea, change it in one place and it updates everything in the file. Hope that helps - let me know if you'd like screenshot samples!

    • rjgoss's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Nicole, thanks for the reply.  It's a workable solution.  I was trying to have my cake and eat it too whereby the users could still have the dynamic nature of the QVs, but also have some control over multiple things at once.