Forum Discussion

Aliaksandra's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Consolidation method input

Hi all! Having a copule of questions about consolidation method input and storage:

 - Could you please advise on any way to input consolidation method, except changing it directly in Application-> Entity Dimension -> Entity member property?

- Why the consolidation method property, when retrieved through the Cube View, is seen only at C#Share level? The consolidation method account is a DynamicCalc member one, and there is no any restriction on the level of consolidation it should be calculated on fly:

Select Case    api.Entity.OwnershipType()
Case ownershiptype.FullConsolidation
    Return 1
Case ownershiptype.Holding
    Return 2
Case ownershiptype.Equity
    Return 3
Case ownershiptype.Custom1
    Return 4
Case ownershiptype.Custom2
    Return 5
Case Else
    Return 0
End Select   



  • JackLacava's avatar
    3 years ago

    Notice that Ownership Type is assigned in the Relationship Properties tab, not in Member Properties. That's because it relates to the Parent-Child relationship. If an Entity had multiple parents, it could have different Ownership Types for each parent. For that reason, it cannot appear in C#Local, because that relates to the child only and appears for any child-parent combination; it has to appear in one of the Parent-Child elements, which technically start at OwnerPreAdj - but not being related to adjustments, it ends in Share, which makes sense.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager
    1. have a look to BRApi.Finance.MemberAdmin.SaveRelationshipInfo in the helper tree. You will have to provide the correct objects, which are documented in the Objects section if you click on them. It's not simple but I believe it can be done.
    2. Consolidation Method is related to the parent-child relationship. I don't understand what you're trying to achieve though, DynamicCalc accounts are not consolidated...
    • Aliaksandra's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Morning! Thank you for your reply, JackLacava.

      2. Yes, correct, it´s a DynamicCalc member and it is not supposed to be consolidated (it is calculated on fly). My question is: why it´s value is "FullConsolidation" always at C#Local, and is the value we actually assigned in the entity member property (for example, "Equity") only at C#Share?



      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        Notice that Ownership Type is assigned in the Relationship Properties tab, not in Member Properties. That's because it relates to the Parent-Child relationship. If an Entity had multiple parents, it could have different Ownership Types for each parent. For that reason, it cannot appear in C#Local, because that relates to the child only and appears for any child-parent combination; it has to appear in one of the Parent-Child elements, which technically start at OwnerPreAdj - but not being related to adjustments, it ends in Share, which makes sense.