6 months agoContributor II
Allocation help when both side of buffer are unbalanced
Hey, I am working on rule to allocate cost to product. It worked when one side of buffer is unbalanced but I do have both. Here is the example. Not sure how can we do?
My rate are by Product and NO...
- 6 months ago
This concept is addressed in the 'Financial Rules and Calculations Handbook'. It requires a nested Data Buffer Cell Loop where both data buffers are looped through and the dimensions properties of both are applied to the result cell. Below is the example of the data and the corresponding rule:
Here is the example given in the book:
If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("DoubleUnbalanced") Then '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Book Reference: Chapter 4 - DBCL Example - DBCL vs Eval 'Purpose: Example of a Data Buffer Cell Loop used to solve the Double Unbalanced problem 'Run From: Data Mgmt Step - Chapter 4 Examples - DoubleUnbalanced 'View Results From: Cube View - Chapter 4 Examples - Shipping Expense Calculation 'Created by: Jon Golembiewski on 1/6/2022 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(True,True,True,True,"A#ShippingExpense") 'Create a result data buffer and destination info to add the cells to later Dim resultDataBuffer As DataBuffer = New DataBuffer() Dim destinationInfo As ExpressionDestinationInfo = api.Data.GetExpressionDestinationInfo("O#Import:I#None") 'Declare the Volume data buffer with U2 fixed on None Dim volumeDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("RemoveZeros(A#Volume:O#Top:I#Top:U2#None)") 'Retrieve the Sales Account Id before the loops so we don't retrieve it for each iteration Dim shippingExpenseId As Integer = api.Members.GetMemberId(dimtypeid.Account, "ShippingExpense") 'Loop through the cells of the Volume data buffer For Each sourceCellVolume As DataBufferCell In volumeDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values 'Retrieve the volume amount to be used in the calculation later Dim volumeAmount As Decimal = sourceCellVolume.CellAmount 'Declare the Shipping Drivers data buffer with U1 fixed on None Dim shippingDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("RemoveZeros(A#ShippingDrivers:O#Top:I#Top:U1#None)") For Each sourceCellShipping As DataBufferCell In shippingDataBuffer.DataBufferCells.Values Dim shippingAmount As Decimal = sourceCellShipping.CellAmount 'Create a new result cell to eventually add to the result data buffer 'The cell properties of the source cell will be inherited Dim resultCell As New DataBufferCell(sourceCellShipping) 'Set the target members For the XFCommon members resultCell.DataBufferCellPk.AccountId = shippingExpenseId 'Inherit the UD1 detail from the Volume Cell resultCell.DataBufferCellPk.UD1Id = sourceCellVolume.DataBufferCellPk.UD1Id 'Inherit the UD2 detail from the Shipping Driver Cell resultCell.DataBufferCellPk.UD2Id = sourceCellShipping.DataBufferCellPk.UD2Id 'Do the logic to calculate the result amount resultCell.CellAmount = volumeAmount * sourceCellShipping.CellAmount 'Add the new cell to the Result Data Buffer resultdatabuffer.SetCell(si,resultCell) Next Next 'Save the Data Buffer using the Result Data Buffer and Destination Info api.Data.SetDataBuffer(resultdatabuffer,destinationinfo)