Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Best FileShare folder to use to import and delete csv files

Hi, I have created a dashboard extender business rule that picks some CSV files from a server, save them in the File Share, extract some info from the file, then delete them. The issue I am having ...
  • JackLacava's avatar
    2 years ago

    Incoming and Batch/Harvest are meant for files that are pulled through the Import feature, so you should probably leave those alone.

    Internal/ImportExport is meant for Load/Extract operations triggered from DataManagement. Security-wise it's more liberal than the previously mentioned ones, but still somewhat meant for system features. As you've found, for your sort of ad-hoc work it's fine, but it can become a bit of a chesspit if not regularly cleaned up, and there might be some confusion and overlap with other tasks.

    The ideal approach for the activity you mention is probably what you first went for, i.e. Groups/SomeGroup. Just create a custom group dedicated to your activity, and assign to it all users that should have access to your feature.