Forum Discussion

molly_lvc's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Can you add records to a table via an Excel Table View?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to add records to a table via an Excel Table View. Using the example in the Table Views documentation, I am able to update existing records; however, any new records added are cleared once I submit the sheet. Is there additional code I can add to allow the Table View to write new records to the table?



  • Here's the code referenced in the above link.

    Public Class MainClass
    	Private ReadOnly tableName As String = "XFC_CustomTableView_Example1"
    	Private ReadOnly PKColumnName As String = "PK"
    	Private ReadOnly readOnlyColumns As New list(Of String)({"PK","Scenario","Year"})
    	Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs) As Object
    			Select Case args.FunctionType
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.Unknown
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
    					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
    						#Region "Defining Parameters"
    						'You will be prompted for the value of these variables if they have not been resolved.
    						'Dim list As New List(Of String)
    						'Return list
    						#End Region
    					End If
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetTableView	' -- Refresh button	
    					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
    						#Region "Retrieving Parameters"
    						'In case parameters are used, this is how they can be retrieved.
    						'Note: These must be defined under SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
    						'Dim Parameter1Value As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Parameter1NameHere")
    						'Dim Parameter2Value As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Parameter2NameHere")
    						#End Region
    						#Region "Select SQL"
    						Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder
    						sql.AppendLine($"SELECT * from {tableName}")
    						#End Region
    						#Region "Data Table"
    						'Create and populate the Table View from a Data Table
    						' -- Option using API function GetCustomDataTable to get the Data Table
    						'Dim scenarioMember As Member = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimtypeid.Scenario, si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
    						'Dim timeMember As Member = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimtypeid.Time, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
    						'Dim dbWwfScenario As New DbWhere("WfScenarioName", dboperator.IsEqualTo, scenarioMember.Name)
    						'Dim dbWwfTime As New DbWhere("WfTimeName", dboperator.IsEqualTo, timeMember.Name)
    						'Dim dbwlist As New List(Of dbwhere) From {dbWwfScenario,dbWwfTime}					
    						'Dim dbOwfScenario As New DbOrderBy("WfTimeName",True)
    						'Dim odblist As New List(Of DbOrderBy) From {dbOwfScenario}
    						'Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.GetCustomDataTable(si, "Application", tableName, dbwlist, odblist)
    						' -- Option using SQL syntax and ExecuteSqlUsingReader to get the Data Table
    						Dim dt As DataTable = Nothing
    						Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    							dt = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSqlUsingReader(dbConnApp, sql.ToString, False)
    							If dt Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
    						End Using	
    						#End Region
    						#Region "Create Table View"
    						'Dim tv As New TableView
    						' 30/05/2022 - Open enhancement on PopulateFromDataTable - does not work well with cultures settings where the decimal separator is different to '.'
    						'tv.PopulateFromDataTable(dt, True, True)
    						' Data must be saved on the tables and presented to excel using the Invariant culture (i.e.: decimal separator '.').
    						Dim tv As TableView = Me.CustomPopulateFromDataTable(si,dt)
    						#End Region
    						#Region "Format Table View"
    						'Mark Table View as editable (if it is going to be used for data input/updates)
    						tv.CanModifyData = True
    						'Formatting Header
    						tv.NumberOfEmptyRowsToAdd = 10
    						tv.EmptyRowsBackgroundColor = XFColors.LightYellow
    						tv.HeaderFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.Aqua
    						tv.HeaderFormat.IsBold = True
    						tv.HeaderFormat.IsItalic = True
    						'Formatting Columns
    						For i As Integer = 0 To tv.Columns.Count -1
    							Dim tvc As TableViewColumn = tv.Columns.Item(i)
    							tvc.ColumnFormat.IsBold = False
    							If readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvc.Name) Then
    								'Read Only Columns
    								tvc.ColumnFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.LightGray
    							Else 'Regular Columns
    								tvc.ColumnFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.AntiqueWhite
    							End If
    							If tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Decimal Then tvc.ColumnFormat.NumDecimals = 2
    						#End Region
    						Return tv
    					End If
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.SaveTableView  ' -- Submit button	(followed by GetTableView)
    					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
    						Me.SaveTableView(si, tableName, args.TableView, PKColumnName)
    					End If
    			End Select
    			Return Nothing
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try
    	End Function
    	#Region "CustomPopulateFromDataTable"
    	'Function To populate a tableview From a DataTable - supports multiple User Cultures
    	Public Function CustomPopulateFromDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable) As TableView
    			'Create the table view object
    			Dim tv As New TableView()
    			'Create the header row object
    			Dim tvhr As New TableViewRow()
    			tvhr.IsHeader = True
    			'Create the columns
    			For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    				'Create the column and set them as headers
    				Dim tvc = Me.CreateTableViewColumn(si, dc.ColumnName, dc, True, dc.ColumnName)
    				'Populate the header row
    				tvhr.items.Add(tvc.Name, tvc)
    			'Add the header row to the table view
    			'Add additional rows
    			For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
    				Dim tvr As New TableViewRow()
    				tvr.IsHeader = False
    				For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    					Dim value As String = dr.Item(dc.ColumnName).ToString
    					tvr.Items.Add(dc.ColumnName, Me.CreateTableViewColumn(si, dc.ColumnName, dc, False, value))
    			Return tv
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try				
    	End Function
    	'Aux function to create a new column for table views
    	Private Function CreateTableViewColumn(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal columnName As String, ByVal dc As DataColumn, ByVal isHeader As Boolean, ByVal value As String) As TableViewColumn
    		Dim tvc As New TableViewColumn()
    		tvc.Name = columnName
    		tvc.IsHeader = isHeader
    		tvc.Value = value
    		If dc.DataType = GetType(String)
    			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Text
    		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Decimal)
    			If Not isHeader And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString) Then
    				'Converts decimal numbers back to standard / invariant culture (i.e: using '.')
    				'so it works regardless Of User Culture
    				tvc.Value = Decimal.Parse(value).XFToStringForFormula
    			End If
    			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Decimal				
    		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Integer)
    			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Int16
    		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
    			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Boolean
    		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Date) Or dc.DataType = GetType(DateTime)
    			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.DateTime
    		End If
    		Return tvc					
    	End Function 
    	#End Region	
    	#Region "SaveTableView"		
    	Private Sub SaveTableView(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal tableName As String, ByRef tableView As tableview, ByVal pkColumnName As String)
    			Dim invariantCulture As CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
    			'Create the list for update and insert statements
    			Dim updateSqlList As New list(Of String)
    			Dim insertSqlList As New List(Of String)
    			Dim deleteSqlList As New List(Of String)
    			#Region "Auto Populate Columns - Optional"
    			' Auto Populate Scenario and Year columns with selected WF
    			Dim WFScenName As String = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si,dimTypeId.Scenario,si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
    			Dim WfYear As String = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si, dimTypeId.Time, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
    			#End Region
    			'Loop on all the cells
    			For Each tvr As TableViewRow In tableView.Rows
    				If tvr.IsHeader Then Continue For
    				'Retrieve the pk cell
    				Dim pkCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(pkColumnName)
    				'Updated existing row
    				'Checks if the row already existed - i.e.: the original value of the pkCell is not empty
    				If pkCell.OriginalValue <> String.Empty And pkCell.OriginalValue <> Guid.Empty.ToString Then
    					Dim updateColsList As New List(Of String)
    					'Checks if the new value of the PK is empty and, if it is, delete the record					
    					If pkCell.Value = String.Empty Then 'Deleted row
    					#Region "Delete Row"
    						deleteSqlList.Add($"DELETE FROM {tableName} WHERE {pkColumnName} = '{pkCell.OriginalValue}'")						
    					#End Region
    					#Region "Update Row"							
    						'Loop on all the cells of the row
    						For Each tvc As TableViewColumn In tableView.Columns
    							'Retrieve current cell
    							Dim tvcName As String = tvc.Name
    							Dim tvCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(tvcName)
    							'Check if the cell is dirty or not
    							If tvCell.IsDirty Then									
    								Dim tvCellValue As String = tvCell.Value
    								' -- SAMPLE CODE ---
    								' -- Updates Scenario and Year based on selected WF
    								' -- This section of the code should be updated to meet your needs									
    								If tvcname.Equals("Scenario")
    									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{WFScenName}'")
    								Else If tvcname.Equals("Year")
    									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{WfYear}'")
    								' Updates the value depending on the data type of the cell
    								Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Boolean) Then
    									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse tvCellValue = False OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname) Then
    										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = 0")
    										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = 1")
    									End If
    								Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Text) OrElse tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.DateTime) Then
    									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
    										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = ''")
    										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{tvCellValue}'")
    									End If
    								Else If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
    									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = NULL")
    								Else ' case of decimal type. NOTE: In case you are using data types not specified here you might have to review the if conditions
    									Dim decValue As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
    									' Parses the decimal so it saves the number using invariant culture (i.e.: '.')
    									If Not Decimal.TryParse(tvCellValue,decValue) Then decValue = Decimal.Parse(tvCellValue,invariantCulture)
    									' Ignores the updates where the original and updated number match after parsing.
    									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCell.OriginalValue) OrElse Decimal.Parse(tvCell.OriginalValue,invariantCulture) <> decValue Then
    										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = {decValue.XFToStringForFormula}")
    									End If
    								End If
    							End If
    						'Add the row to the list of rows to be updated
    						If updateColsList.Count > 0 Then
    							updateSqlList.Add($"UPDATE {tableName} SET {String.Join(", ", updateColsList)} WHERE {pkColumnName} = '{pkCell.OriginalValue}'")
    						End If
    					#End Region
    					End If					
    				#Region "Insert Row"
    				'New Row
    				' -- Check to identify if it is a new row (if PK original value was empty it is a new row)
    					'Create the insert columns list
    					Dim insertColsList As New List(Of String)
    					'Create the is dirtyFlag
    					Dim isNew As Boolean = False
    					'Loop on all the cells of the row
    					For Each tvc As TableViewColumn In tableView.Columns
    						'Retrieve current cell
    						Dim tvcName As String = tvc.Name
    						'Pk Cell
    						If tvcname = pkColumnName Then
    							'Retrieve current cell
    							Dim tvCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(tvcname)
    							'Check if the cell is dirty or not
    							If tvCell.IsDirty = True Then isNew = True
    							'Get the current cell value
    							Dim tvCellValue As String = tvCell.Value
    							' -- SAMPLE CODE ---
    							' -- Updates Scenario and Year based on selected WF
    							' -- This should be updated to meet your needs		
    							If tvcname.Equals("Scenario")
    							Else If tvcname.Equals("Year")
    							'Modify the value depending on the data type of the cell
    							Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Boolean) Then
    								If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse tvCellValue = False OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname) Then
    								End If
    							Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Text) Or tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.DateTime)
    								If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
    								End If
    							Else If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
    							Else ' case of decimal type. NOTE: In case you are using data types not specified here you might have to review the if conditions
    								Dim decValue As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
    								' Parses the decimal so it saves the number using invariant culture (i.e.: '.')
    								If Not Decimal.TryParse(tvCellValue,decValue) Then decValue = Decimal.Parse(tvCellValue,invariantCulture)
    							End If
    						End If
    					If isNew Then 'Only generates the insert statement if the cell is new
    						insertSqlList.Add($"INSERT INTO {tableName} VALUES ({String.Join(",", insertColsList)})")
    					End If
    				End If
    				#End Region					
    			Next tvr
    			#Region "Run SQL update, insert and delete statements"
    			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"updateSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, updateSqlList.ToArray))
    			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"insertSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, insertSqlList.ToArray))
    			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"deleteSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, deleteSqlList.ToArray))
    			Using dbconn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    				updateSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))
    				insertSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))
    				deleteSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))					
    			End Using
    			#End Region
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try
    	End Sub		
    	#End Region
    End Class




  • sudarshan's avatar
    New Contributor III

    You can add new rows back to your table via a table view by using the same principle of looping over the table view object but to differentiate the new rows you use the isDirty() flag in the spreadsheet rule and then using an insert SQL statement to write back.

    Here's a community example for table view rules here




  • molly_lvc's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hi Sudarshan,

    Thanks for your response! 

    That makes sense, that's definitely the extra step that I am missing. It seems like I don't have access to view the example. Is there another way you could share?

    Thanks so much!


    • sudarshan's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Here's the code referenced in the above link.

      Public Class MainClass
      	Private ReadOnly tableName As String = "XFC_CustomTableView_Example1"
      	Private ReadOnly PKColumnName As String = "PK"
      	Private ReadOnly readOnlyColumns As New list(Of String)({"PK","Scenario","Year"})
      	Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs) As Object
      			Select Case args.FunctionType
      				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.Unknown
      				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
      					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
      						#Region "Defining Parameters"
      						'You will be prompted for the value of these variables if they have not been resolved.
      						'Dim list As New List(Of String)
      						'Return list
      						#End Region
      					End If
      				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetTableView	' -- Refresh button	
      					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
      						#Region "Retrieving Parameters"
      						'In case parameters are used, this is how they can be retrieved.
      						'Note: These must be defined under SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
      						'Dim Parameter1Value As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Parameter1NameHere")
      						'Dim Parameter2Value As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Parameter2NameHere")
      						#End Region
      						#Region "Select SQL"
      						Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder
      						sql.AppendLine($"SELECT * from {tableName}")
      						#End Region
      						#Region "Data Table"
      						'Create and populate the Table View from a Data Table
      						' -- Option using API function GetCustomDataTable to get the Data Table
      						'Dim scenarioMember As Member = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimtypeid.Scenario, si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
      						'Dim timeMember As Member = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMember(si, dimtypeid.Time, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
      						'Dim dbWwfScenario As New DbWhere("WfScenarioName", dboperator.IsEqualTo, scenarioMember.Name)
      						'Dim dbWwfTime As New DbWhere("WfTimeName", dboperator.IsEqualTo, timeMember.Name)
      						'Dim dbwlist As New List(Of dbwhere) From {dbWwfScenario,dbWwfTime}					
      						'Dim dbOwfScenario As New DbOrderBy("WfTimeName",True)
      						'Dim odblist As New List(Of DbOrderBy) From {dbOwfScenario}
      						'Dim dt As DataTable = BRApi.Database.GetCustomDataTable(si, "Application", tableName, dbwlist, odblist)
      						' -- Option using SQL syntax and ExecuteSqlUsingReader to get the Data Table
      						Dim dt As DataTable = Nothing
      						Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
      							dt = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSqlUsingReader(dbConnApp, sql.ToString, False)
      							If dt Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
      						End Using	
      						#End Region
      						#Region "Create Table View"
      						'Dim tv As New TableView
      						' 30/05/2022 - Open enhancement on PopulateFromDataTable - does not work well with cultures settings where the decimal separator is different to '.'
      						'tv.PopulateFromDataTable(dt, True, True)
      						' Data must be saved on the tables and presented to excel using the Invariant culture (i.e.: decimal separator '.').
      						Dim tv As TableView = Me.CustomPopulateFromDataTable(si,dt)
      						#End Region
      						#Region "Format Table View"
      						'Mark Table View as editable (if it is going to be used for data input/updates)
      						tv.CanModifyData = True
      						'Formatting Header
      						tv.NumberOfEmptyRowsToAdd = 10
      						tv.EmptyRowsBackgroundColor = XFColors.LightYellow
      						tv.HeaderFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.Aqua
      						tv.HeaderFormat.IsBold = True
      						tv.HeaderFormat.IsItalic = True
      						'Formatting Columns
      						For i As Integer = 0 To tv.Columns.Count -1
      							Dim tvc As TableViewColumn = tv.Columns.Item(i)
      							tvc.ColumnFormat.IsBold = False
      							If readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvc.Name) Then
      								'Read Only Columns
      								tvc.ColumnFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.LightGray
      							Else 'Regular Columns
      								tvc.ColumnFormat.BackgroundColor = XFColors.AntiqueWhite
      							End If
      							If tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Decimal Then tvc.ColumnFormat.NumDecimals = 2
      						#End Region
      						Return tv
      					End If
      				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.SaveTableView  ' -- Submit button	(followed by GetTableView)
      					If args.TableViewName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("PE_Webinar_Sample")
      						Me.SaveTableView(si, tableName, args.TableView, PKColumnName)
      					End If
      			End Select
      			Return Nothing
      		Catch ex As Exception
      			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
      		End Try
      	End Function
      	#Region "CustomPopulateFromDataTable"
      	'Function To populate a tableview From a DataTable - supports multiple User Cultures
      	Public Function CustomPopulateFromDataTable(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable) As TableView
      			'Create the table view object
      			Dim tv As New TableView()
      			'Create the header row object
      			Dim tvhr As New TableViewRow()
      			tvhr.IsHeader = True
      			'Create the columns
      			For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
      				'Create the column and set them as headers
      				Dim tvc = Me.CreateTableViewColumn(si, dc.ColumnName, dc, True, dc.ColumnName)
      				'Populate the header row
      				tvhr.items.Add(tvc.Name, tvc)
      			'Add the header row to the table view
      			'Add additional rows
      			For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
      				Dim tvr As New TableViewRow()
      				tvr.IsHeader = False
      				For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
      					Dim value As String = dr.Item(dc.ColumnName).ToString
      					tvr.Items.Add(dc.ColumnName, Me.CreateTableViewColumn(si, dc.ColumnName, dc, False, value))
      			Return tv
      		Catch ex As Exception
      			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
      		End Try				
      	End Function
      	'Aux function to create a new column for table views
      	Private Function CreateTableViewColumn(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal columnName As String, ByVal dc As DataColumn, ByVal isHeader As Boolean, ByVal value As String) As TableViewColumn
      		Dim tvc As New TableViewColumn()
      		tvc.Name = columnName
      		tvc.IsHeader = isHeader
      		tvc.Value = value
      		If dc.DataType = GetType(String)
      			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Text
      		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Decimal)
      			If Not isHeader And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString) Then
      				'Converts decimal numbers back to standard / invariant culture (i.e: using '.')
      				'so it works regardless Of User Culture
      				tvc.Value = Decimal.Parse(value).XFToStringForFormula
      			End If
      			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Decimal				
      		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Integer)
      			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Int16
      		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
      			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.Boolean
      		Else If dc.DataType = GetType(Date) Or dc.DataType = GetType(DateTime)
      			tvc.DataType = XFDataType.DateTime
      		End If
      		Return tvc					
      	End Function 
      	#End Region	
      	#Region "SaveTableView"		
      	Private Sub SaveTableView(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal tableName As String, ByRef tableView As tableview, ByVal pkColumnName As String)
      			Dim invariantCulture As CultureInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
      			'Create the list for update and insert statements
      			Dim updateSqlList As New list(Of String)
      			Dim insertSqlList As New List(Of String)
      			Dim deleteSqlList As New List(Of String)
      			#Region "Auto Populate Columns - Optional"
      			' Auto Populate Scenario and Year columns with selected WF
      			Dim WFScenName As String = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si,dimTypeId.Scenario,si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
      			Dim WfYear As String = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberName(si, dimTypeId.Time, si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
      			#End Region
      			'Loop on all the cells
      			For Each tvr As TableViewRow In tableView.Rows
      				If tvr.IsHeader Then Continue For
      				'Retrieve the pk cell
      				Dim pkCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(pkColumnName)
      				'Updated existing row
      				'Checks if the row already existed - i.e.: the original value of the pkCell is not empty
      				If pkCell.OriginalValue <> String.Empty And pkCell.OriginalValue <> Guid.Empty.ToString Then
      					Dim updateColsList As New List(Of String)
      					'Checks if the new value of the PK is empty and, if it is, delete the record					
      					If pkCell.Value = String.Empty Then 'Deleted row
      					#Region "Delete Row"
      						deleteSqlList.Add($"DELETE FROM {tableName} WHERE {pkColumnName} = '{pkCell.OriginalValue}'")						
      					#End Region
      					#Region "Update Row"							
      						'Loop on all the cells of the row
      						For Each tvc As TableViewColumn In tableView.Columns
      							'Retrieve current cell
      							Dim tvcName As String = tvc.Name
      							Dim tvCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(tvcName)
      							'Check if the cell is dirty or not
      							If tvCell.IsDirty Then									
      								Dim tvCellValue As String = tvCell.Value
      								' -- SAMPLE CODE ---
      								' -- Updates Scenario and Year based on selected WF
      								' -- This section of the code should be updated to meet your needs									
      								If tvcname.Equals("Scenario")
      									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{WFScenName}'")
      								Else If tvcname.Equals("Year")
      									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{WfYear}'")
      								' Updates the value depending on the data type of the cell
      								Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Boolean) Then
      									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse tvCellValue = False OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname) Then
      										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = 0")
      										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = 1")
      									End If
      								Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Text) OrElse tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.DateTime) Then
      									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
      										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = ''")
      										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = '{tvCellValue}'")
      									End If
      								Else If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
      									updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = NULL")
      								Else ' case of decimal type. NOTE: In case you are using data types not specified here you might have to review the if conditions
      									Dim decValue As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
      									' Parses the decimal so it saves the number using invariant culture (i.e.: '.')
      									If Not Decimal.TryParse(tvCellValue,decValue) Then decValue = Decimal.Parse(tvCellValue,invariantCulture)
      									' Ignores the updates where the original and updated number match after parsing.
      									If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCell.OriginalValue) OrElse Decimal.Parse(tvCell.OriginalValue,invariantCulture) <> decValue Then
      										updateColsList.Add($"{tvcName} = {decValue.XFToStringForFormula}")
      									End If
      								End If
      							End If
      						'Add the row to the list of rows to be updated
      						If updateColsList.Count > 0 Then
      							updateSqlList.Add($"UPDATE {tableName} SET {String.Join(", ", updateColsList)} WHERE {pkColumnName} = '{pkCell.OriginalValue}'")
      						End If
      					#End Region
      					End If					
      				#Region "Insert Row"
      				'New Row
      				' -- Check to identify if it is a new row (if PK original value was empty it is a new row)
      					'Create the insert columns list
      					Dim insertColsList As New List(Of String)
      					'Create the is dirtyFlag
      					Dim isNew As Boolean = False
      					'Loop on all the cells of the row
      					For Each tvc As TableViewColumn In tableView.Columns
      						'Retrieve current cell
      						Dim tvcName As String = tvc.Name
      						'Pk Cell
      						If tvcname = pkColumnName Then
      							'Retrieve current cell
      							Dim tvCell As TableViewColumn = tvr.Item(tvcname)
      							'Check if the cell is dirty or not
      							If tvCell.IsDirty = True Then isNew = True
      							'Get the current cell value
      							Dim tvCellValue As String = tvCell.Value
      							' -- SAMPLE CODE ---
      							' -- Updates Scenario and Year based on selected WF
      							' -- This should be updated to meet your needs		
      							If tvcname.Equals("Scenario")
      							Else If tvcname.Equals("Year")
      							'Modify the value depending on the data type of the cell
      							Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Boolean) Then
      								If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse tvCellValue = False OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname) Then
      								End If
      							Else If tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.Text) Or tvc.DataType.Equals(XFDataType.DateTime)
      								If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
      								End If
      							Else If String.IsNullOrEmpty(tvCellValue) OrElse readOnlyColumns.Contains(tvcname)
      							Else ' case of decimal type. NOTE: In case you are using data types not specified here you might have to review the if conditions
      								Dim decValue As Decimal = Decimal.Zero
      								' Parses the decimal so it saves the number using invariant culture (i.e.: '.')
      								If Not Decimal.TryParse(tvCellValue,decValue) Then decValue = Decimal.Parse(tvCellValue,invariantCulture)
      							End If
      						End If
      					If isNew Then 'Only generates the insert statement if the cell is new
      						insertSqlList.Add($"INSERT INTO {tableName} VALUES ({String.Join(",", insertColsList)})")
      					End If
      				End If
      				#End Region					
      			Next tvr
      			#Region "Run SQL update, insert and delete statements"
      			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"updateSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, updateSqlList.ToArray))
      			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"insertSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, insertSqlList.ToArray))
      			'brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"deleteSqlList: " & vbCrLf & String.Join(vbCrLf, deleteSqlList.ToArray))
      			Using dbconn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
      				updateSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))
      				insertSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))
      				deleteSqlList.ForEach(Function(lambda) brapi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbconn, lambda, False, True))					
      			End Using
      			#End Region
      		Catch ex As Exception
      			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
      		End Try
      	End Sub		
      	#End Region
      End Class




      • molly_lvc's avatar
        New Contributor III

        That worked! Thanks so much for your help, Sudarshan!