Hi Andrea
I couldn't see a BRApi function that would get you this list - hopefully someone else can, but failing that you can query the AppProperty table to get the list.
Below is a snippet of code (VB.NET) that will give you what you need:
Using dbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
'Query the App Property table to get the currency list
Dim sCurrencyFilter As String = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbconn, "SELECT Top 1 TextValue FROM AppProperty WHERE Name = 'CurrencyFilter'", False).Rows(0)(0)
'Split currency string into array of currencies
Dim currencies As String() = sCurrencyFilter.Split(New String() {", "}, StringSplitOptions.None)
'Loop through each currency
For Each curr In currencies
'Get currency object using currency name
Dim objCurrency As Currency = BRApi.Finance.Cons.GetCurrency(si, curr)
'Do what you like with the currency...
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, curr)
End Using