Forum Discussion

Marco's avatar
Contributor II
2 years ago


Hi Everyone.

I am creating a CSV file with the information from a datatable. The problem is that it generates the file with the columns but without the datatable information. I wanted to know if there is another way to create a CSV file correctly.

Dim strFilePathFull_AllocationDetails As String = strFilePath & "/" & strModelName & "_" & strScenarioName & "_" & strTimeName & "_" & dtAllocationDetails.TableName & ".csv"

Dim xfeFile_AllocationDetails As XFFileEx = dtbSH.DataTableToFile(si, dtAllocationDetails, strFilePathFull_AllocationDetails, Nothing)
And my function:
Public Function DataTableToFile(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal listColToSkip As List(Of String), ByVal Optional strSeparator As String = ",") As XFFileEx
	Dim strDt As String = Me.PrintDataTable(si, dt, strSeparator, 0, False, listColToSkip, """")
	Dim bytes() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strDt)
	Dim fileinfo As New XFFileInfo(fileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, strFilePath)
	Dim xfFile As New XFFile(fileinfo, String.Empty, bytes)
	BRApi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, xffile)
	Dim xfeFile As New XFFileEx(xffile, DataAccessLevel.AllAccess, False)
	Return xfeFile
End Function


  • I suspect your problem might lie in the checks you do with dt.Rows.Count. In a number of situations, that property doesn't work as expected. I would suggest to just loop on rows; if you want to enforce your "limit", keep track of iterations and then break out:

    ' it's bad practice to mess with stuff passed as parameter, let's wrap it...
    Dim realLimit as Integer = -1
    if limit > 0 then realLimit = limit
    ' keep an iteration index
    Dim curr As Integer = 0
    ' and we're off
    For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
       If curr >= realLimit Then
          Exit For
          curr += 1
       End If
       ' ... turn your row into a string etc etc

    The other den of dragons is that check on column names, which might be case sensitive or fail on minimal differences. At a minimum, I would turn that ColumnName to all lowercase or all uppercase, and ensure the elements in that list have had the same treatment.

    Beyond that, I would check that your datatable actually  contains data, particularly if it came from some .Clone() operation or similar.

    Hope that helps!