Forum Discussion

RobbSalzmann's avatar
Valued Contributor II
2 years ago

Deprecated GetLiteralParameterValue and SetLiteralParameterValue replacements?

I'm getting the message "'Function GetLiteralParameterValue(si As SessionInfo, isSystemLevel As Boolean, parameterName As String) As String' is obsolete: 'This is a temporary function used by Marketplace Solutions for backwards compatibility with old XF versions. Please change your code to use supported functionality.'."


Anyone know what object & method should I be using instead?



strSomeString = BRApi.Dashboards.Parameters.GetLiteralParameterValue(si,Nothing,"pm_SomeParameter")




  • Hi Robb, 

    Here's guidance for 7.3.1. In 7.4, more functions are coming for workspaces as the workspace features evolve. 

    If you hover over the intellisense after Parameters. you will see a down arrow showing a second function which is the new implementation of the function. This function incorporates the Workspace ID as a GUID. 


    If the dashboard is located under the default workspace, use Guid.Empty as shown below. 

    If the dashboard object is located under a Named Workspace, you want to pass through the Workspace ID for that Workspace so at runtime it can locate the literal value parameter since that same parameter name can now be used in another workspace. 

    Hope this helps! 

  • ChrisLoran's avatar
    2 years ago

    My apologies for some confusion, I was testing on a beta-release prior to the documentation (thanks AMoore the clarifying).
    I have installed the v7.4 general release and confirm this is how to access a Literal Parameter Value from a named workspace other than default:


    Dim strParamValue As String = BRApi.Dashboards.Parameters.GetLiteralParameterValue(si,False,Nothing,"ChrisWS.TXP_UD1_TJ")
    brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, strParamvalue)



    Note: If you are accessing a Literal Parameter defined in a different workspace then that workspace will have to be defined as [Is Shareable Workspace] = True. Default is False. If False then the GetLiteralParameterValue returns the string "Unknown".

  • amoore's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Hi Robb, 

    Here's guidance for 7.3.1. In 7.4, more functions are coming for workspaces as the workspace features evolve. 

    If you hover over the intellisense after Parameters. you will see a down arrow showing a second function which is the new implementation of the function. This function incorporates the Workspace ID as a GUID. 


    If the dashboard is located under the default workspace, use Guid.Empty as shown below. 

    If the dashboard object is located under a Named Workspace, you want to pass through the Workspace ID for that Workspace so at runtime it can locate the literal value parameter since that same parameter name can now be used in another workspace. 

    Hope this helps! 

    • hiren's avatar
      New Contributor III

      [Off Topic]
      amoore Do I see an IDE? Any guide on how to set it up?

      • hiren's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Thanks sudarshan for point me to the Post where this was discussed earlier. Also, the assemblies can be grabbed from OneStream client directory. 

  • ChrisLoran's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    (Edit: I removed my earlier response as it is now obsolete)

    • RobbSalzmann's avatar
      Valued Contributor II

      ChrisLoran If the parameter were in your "MySolution01" workspace, would the parameter argument be:

      Do you know how to get the guid for a workspace?

      • ChrisLoran's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        (I removed my earlier response here as it is now obsolete)

  • amoore's avatar
    New Contributor II

    RobbSalzmann  - to expand of Chris response related to 7.4. There are a number of BRApi functions coming surrounding workspaces that will assist with this functionality like "GetWorkspaceIDFromName". An example of this in 7.4 would be: 

    Dim wsIdValue As Guid = BRApi.Dashboards.Workspaces.GetWorkspaceIDFromName(si, isSystemLevel, workspaceName)

    In 7.3, although there is no BRApi function to obtain the workspace ID when using a named workspace, you can pass through args as DashboardExtenderArgs in your function signature and then specify args.PrimaryDashboard.WorkspaceID. As a note though, this implementation may run into problems if you need to lookup objects across multiple workspaces dynamically based using Workspace Name to obtain the ID. This where the functions in 7.4 that are coming will be more programmatically efficient for your needs. 


  • RE:  Warning at line 52:  'Sub SetLiteralParameterValue(si As
    SessionInfo, isSystemLevel As Boolean, parameterName As String, newValue As
    String)' is obsolete: This is a temporary function used by Marketplace
    Solutions for backwards compatibility with old XF versions. Please change your
    code to use supported functionality.

    So what's the new functionality?  Same subroutine name just different parameters.  Old one still works but it is deprecated.

    Thanks for posting this.  I ran into the same warning message today and I was wondering exactly how "to change the code to use the supported functionality."




    • RobbSalzmann's avatar
      Valued Contributor II

      chris_rothermel The new method signature ("2 of 2" in your image above) specifies the Workspace of the parameter on which you want to set a value is configured.  This is done by 1. setting the workspace name as a dot prefix to the parameter name- specifying guid.Empty, or 2.  parameter name without the dot prefix with a known workspace GUID provided as the 3rd arg.  This means that you can have the same parameter names doing different things in two different workspaces,

      IOW, Parameters are now Workspace specific and the new method signature provides the way to tell the platform on which workspace to set the parameter value.

    • DanielWillis's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Maybe these warnings need to provide a bit more direction.

  • osdevadmin's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thank you, and hat tip to Omkareshwar for guiding some of us here, this thread is a huge time saver and full of really good contributions on resolving this error.