Forum Discussion

Sergey's avatar
Contributor III
2 months ago

Dynamic Dashboard - Creating new components ?

Dear community,

Using Dynamic dashboard, is it possible to add completely new components from scratch ?

So far, I was able to define a label with DashboardComponent function, and somehow add it to a component collection using WsDynamicDbrdCompMemberEx and adding it to WsDynamicComponentCollection .

But that's it, I dont knw how to add it to my dynamic dashboard.

Any hints ?


  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Sergey

    Check out the Tech Talks, they go through it although they create objects based on blank template versions of them because it easier, e.g. a label with no properties set. It was one by Jack Lacava.

    I heard there is something new in Navigator too but haven't checked that out.

    - Daniel

  • Sergey's avatar
    Contributor III

    Thanks Daniel,

    These resources are great but as you mention, they are using existing components. I managed to create components programmatically though, it was not easy and required to use only properties that are related to the component one wants to create (for instance, a Label component don't have Selection Changed Server Task).

    I just wonder if it is possible to use dynamic dashboard to create Dashboards programmatically (and not components). I will create a dedicated thread for that.
