Forum Discussion

miloszmalecki's avatar
New Contributor
11 months ago

Dynamic Member List

Hi OS Community,

I am just wondering if any of you had a chance to build dynamic member list or some similar functionality which allows you to have a specified member list which will be used in a parameter (XFBR). I am having trouble to achieve that... What I created is parameter supported by simple business rule which also use information coming from another parameter. This is working well but only if second parameter which i am using is not part of POV parameters. Looks like I can not use parameter inside used parameter. where this second is also used in CubeView POV... Let me try to describe you on example what is my problem, maybe some of you will be able to help. 

What i would like to achieve is to have some connection between entity selected in the cubeview POV and UD1 list of members which then will be presented as a list of members to choose inside parameter and CubeView POV.


I have a CubeView with POV where parameters are used for below dimensions :

But based on my selection in Entity i would like to have a specific list of members possible to select in UD1.

Lets say that in Entity I am selecting Spain unit (ES_123) what I would like to do then is to use only two initial letters "ES" which will be used as a information what kind of members I should be able to see in the UD1 parameter:

Either by some function that name of the UD1 member needs to contain ES (CUESXXXX) or TEXT8 property in UD1 is equal to ES.  


This is my solution which works only if i am using this parameter in rows and entity is in POV:

I was able to have a parameter like that:
U1#CU003900.Base.Where(Name Contains XFBR(CKA_ParamHelper, returnLeft2, Ent=|!ParamFormPromptEntity!|))
CKA_ParamHelper just returning entity name:
Return EntName.Substring(0,2)