Forum Discussion

PeterFu's avatar
Contributor II
3 years ago

E-mail notification for "Set IC Transaction Status"



I am looking for a Business Rule (DataQualityEventhandler) to send e-mail notifications when "Set IC Transaction Status" is used. I know how to send e-mail when the "Set IC Transaction Status" is used. The challenge is to get the comment and other information from the ICMatchStatus table and to pick up the e-mail addresses to send to. So, I want to check for the entity in the ICMatchStatus table and all users with access to that entity should then receive the e-mail notification. I want to use the e-mail on the users to create the e-mail list for sending e-mails.


It's more or less the same as with the journals. If a journal is for example created, then an e-mail is sent to the users that can approve the journal. The e-mail will then also contain the journal they are suppose to approve and/or post. This I have, but the ICTransactionStatus is a bit 





  • This might need some collaboration as I've no clue what you are talking about ;).

    So when you use BREventOperationType.DataQuality.ICTransStatus.AddICTransactionStatus or the Finalize one, can you check what the arg inputs are? Some of those inputs could be lead you to create the where clause that help in getting the data from the ICMatchStatus table.


    • PeterFu's avatar
      Contributor II

      My client wants an e-mail notification when IC Transactions Status are used. See print screen.



      See print screen below to see the BR I am testing with


      This is working with a hard-coded e-mail address and content for the e-mail, but I want to have the information from the comment and be able to send it to the correct users. Tom created something for Journals that I have been using, so I am looking for something similar to that, but for this "Set IC Transaction Status".

      • Totally untested. But I think this will do it.


        #Region "SetICStatus Helpers"
        		Private Sub XFR_FinalizeAddICTransactionStatus(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal args As DataQualityEventHandlerArgs)
        				Dim objICMatchStatusInfo As ICMatchStatusInfo = DirectCast(args.Inputs(0), ICMatchStatusInfo)
        				If objICMatchStatusInfo.TransactionState = 40 'Finalized
        					Dim intEntityID As Integer = objICMatchStatusInfo.ICMatchTransaction.EntityId
        					Dim entMbr As Member =BRApi.Finance.Members.ReadMemberNoCache(si, DimTypeId.Entity, intEntityID)
        					Dim readWriteGroup As GroupInfo = BRApi.Security.Admin.GetGroupInfoEx(si, entMbr.ReadWriteDataGroupUniqueID).GroupInfo
        					Dim readWriteGroup2 As GroupInfo = BRApi.Security.Admin.GetGroupInfoEx(si, entMbr.ReadWriteDataGroupUniqueID2).GroupInfo
        					Dim usrList As New List(Of UserInfo)
        					Me.GetUsersInGroup(si, readWriteGroup.Group.UniqueID, usrList)
        					Me.GetUsersInGroup(si, readWriteGroup2.Group.UniqueID, usrList)
        					For Each userSummary As UserInfo In usrList.Distinct()
        						'Send the email
        						Me.CreateMessageAndSendMail(si, objICMatchStatusInfo, userSummary)
        				End If	
        			Catch ex As Exception
        				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        			End Try
        		End Sub
        		Private Sub GetUsersInGroup(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal groupID As Guid, ByRef usrList As list(Of UserInfo))
        				Using dbFwConn As DbConnInfoFW = BRApi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
        					Dim sql As New Text.StringBuilder
        					sql.AppendLine("WITH ChildUser as
        					  SELECT ChildKey,ChildIsAUser FROM SecGroupChild
        					  WHERE ChildIsAUser = 0
        					  UNION ALL
        					  SELECT b.ChildKey,b.ChildIsAUser FROM SecGroupChild as b
        					  INNER JOIN ChildUser as a on a.ChildKey= b.GroupKey
        					Select distinct ChildKey from (
        					SELECT distinct ChildKey FROM ChildUser
        					where ChildIsAUser <> 0
        					UNION ALL 
        					SELECT distinct ChildKey FROM SecGroupChild
        					WHERE ChildIsAUser = 1)p")
        					Dim userDT As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSqlUsingReader(dbFwConn, sql.ToString, True)
        					If userDT.Rows.Count > 0 Then
        						For Each userDR As DataRow In userDT.rows
        							usrList.Add(BRApi.Security.Admin.GetUser(si, DirectCast(userDR("ChildKey"),Guid)))
        					End If	
        				End Using
        			Catch ex As Exception
        				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        			End Try
        		End Sub
        		Private Sub CreateMessageAndSendMail(ByVal si As SessionInfo, objICMatchStatus As ICMatchStatusInfo, userSummary As UserInfo)
        			'Reference Code: 	CreateMessageAndSendMail 
        			'Description:		Create the email message body and execute the "Send Mail" function.
        				Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)					
        					Dim emailInfo As New Text.StringBuilder
        					emailInfo.AppendLine("To: " & userSummary.User.Email)
        					'Create the message title
        					Dim messageTitle As New Text.StringBuilder
        					messageTitle.Append("IC Match for [")
        					messageTitle.Append(", ")
        					messageTitle.Append("] is ready for you to review.")
        					'Create the message body
        					Dim messageBody As New Text.StringBuilder
        					messageBody.AppendLine("IC Match Information:")				
        					messageBody.AppendLine("User Name........... " & objICMatchStatus.UserName)					
        					messageBody.AppendLine("Time Completed...... " & objICMatchStatus.TimeStamp)										
        					messageBody.AppendLine("Comments............ " & objICMatchStatus.Comments)								
        					'Test the email by writing a log message
        					ErrorHandler.LogMessage(si, emailInfo.ToString & vbcrlf &  messageTitle.ToString & vbcrlf &  messageBody.ToString)				
        					'Send an email message
        					'Me.SendMail(si, userSummary.User.Email, messageTitle.ToString, messageBody.ToString)
        				End Using
        			Catch ex As Exception
        				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        			End Try
        		End Sub
        #End Region