Forum Discussion

Yaseen's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Error using Where clause with 'or' condition inside GetDataBufferUsingFormula

Hello -   is there a way to make the below work inside GetDataBufferUsingFormula . Getting Error processing script 'V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:A#:U1#USF02'. Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.D...
  • EricOsmanski's avatar
    2 years ago

    Try this removing the square brackets from around the member name, so you don't have 2 sets.


    Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:S#Actual:T#" & sLastActMth & ":U1#" & & ",[A#PNL.Base.Where((Name StartsWith '4') or (Name StartsWith '5') or (Name StartsWith '7') or (Name StartsWith 'X'))], [U3#TopUD3.Base],[U2#TopUD2.Base])").