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PB's avatar
New Contributor II
11 months ago

Execute sql on data table

Can I execute an sql statement against a data table created in a business rule?  I created a table to use in a data set business rule, which returns data to the data adapter.   

e.g. if I created dt1 using : Dim dt1 As DataTable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, strSQL.ToString, True)

Can I run a query against dt1, doing something like "select * from dt1" or in other words can I get the tablename for dt1 and then execute a query?

  • The datatable exists within the data set business rule, so yes you can run a query against it, but within its limit of existence, as for any other variable, i.e. you cannot refer to it from other business rules or outside the function or loop where it is defined. However, even within its limit of existence, I believe you cannot refer to it with the "select * from dt1" string. You need to use the appropriate function of the BRApi.Database (I don't remember which one at the moment), and pass the table and where/order by etc. as parameters.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    The DataTable is held in memory. Once you have an instance of it, you can call various methods and properties to look at its data; see this Microsoft page for some examples. Once the rule has run, the DataTable object is automatically destroyed.

    If you want to retrieve the dataset produced by an adapter, in some other rule you can use BRApi.Dashboards.Process.GetAdoDataSetForAdapter, which will effectively run the adapter and give you back the result as DataSet object (for an introduction to DataSets, see this other Microsoft page). The DataSet will contain the result DataTable(s).





  • AndreaF's avatar
    Contributor III

    The datatable exists within the data set business rule, so yes you can run a query against it, but within its limit of existence, as for any other variable, i.e. you cannot refer to it from other business rules or outside the function or loop where it is defined. However, even within its limit of existence, I believe you cannot refer to it with the "select * from dt1" string. You need to use the appropriate function of the BRApi.Database (I don't remember which one at the moment), and pass the table and where/order by etc. as parameters.

  • PB's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Great - thanks for the information - I will use what I can from this - I don't necessarily want to go too deep into customization and fancy script, but I'll evaluate the options.

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    AndreaF - Yes Data table are in memory and you can manipulate by copying to another DTL or you can use the existing DTL as well. See below an example 

    									WFICTable1 = WFICTable.Copy()
    												Dim distinctValues = WFICTable1.AsEnumerable() _
    												.Where(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("Account") <> "Difference")  _
    											    .GroupBy(Function(row) New With {
    											        Key.Column1 = row.Field(Of String)("Entity"),
    											        Key.Column2 = row.Field(Of String)("IC")
    											    }) _
    											    .Select(Function(Group) New With {
    											        .Column1 = Group.Key.Column1,
    											        .Column2 = Group.Key.Column2,
    											        .OtherColumn1 = Group.First().Field(Of String)("Account"),
    											        .OtherColumn2 = Group.First().Field(Of String)("PartnerCurr"),
    													.OtherColumn3 = Group.First().Field(Of Decimal)("RptCurrAmount"),
    													.OtherColumn4 = Group.First().Field(Of Decimal)("PrimaryCurrAmount"),
    													.OtherColumn5 = Group.First().Field(Of Decimal)("PartnerCurrAmount")



    • PB's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thanks Krishna - I'll check it out - looks like your doing something on IC mismatch reporting - that's what I'm working on with this issue too.

      • Krishna's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        PB - Yes but the concept is the same you can try with your SQL table column. Hope this helps.