Forum Discussion

WernerN's avatar
9 months ago

Finance Business Rule - FinanceFunctionType.FxRate

Dear Community Members,
I have cloned the Blueprint OSB_CustomTranslate to apply code when FunctionType FxRate fires.

My cube is set to Standard Using Business Rules for FxRates.
My business rule is set as Business Rule 1 (and 2 as a matter of fact for logging purposes only).

I am running Translate, Custom Translate, Consolidate, ForceConsolidate but i cannot get the FXRate FunctionType to fire.  I am logging in the rule to get a log message for every different FunctionType that fires.  Getting Calculate but not FXRate.
Any tips would be much appreciated.  I am sure the resolution will be utterly embarassing but i am at the end of my wits.

  • Hi,

    Assuming you got all the setting right, the next question is how are you testing this exactly? Possible that it is actually working, but the test(ing method) is not right. Happens more often than not. 

    If you'd like to dig deeper, may I ask you to share the exact steps you are taking to test this?


    After that - or, alternatively - you could start this from scratch. Fresh cube, new scenario, new rule, new cube view, new workflow profile, etc.

  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II


    You need to set the cube to this...

    ...which you already did.

    Then you need to assign your new Finance rule to the cube as well:

    Then make sure your Namespace is equal to the Finance Rule name. Because you copied another rule, maybe you missed adjusting the name?

    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.CustomTranslateWithOldFinanceRuleName

    And then you need to translate / consolidate an entity hierarchy with different currencies. If you accidentally consolidate only USD entities, or on C#Local of a base entity, this rule does not fire either.

    That should be it, in my case this writes to the error log.


    • WernerN's avatar

      Good morning Henning and thank you so much for taking the time for this detailed answer.
      Much too my confusion, i do have all of these steps in place (which I might have said before with 'issues' just to find out that i had missed a small piece). 
      I will follow your instructions step by step and report back.
      But again, truly appreciate you taking the time to answer and document step-by-step.

      • Henning's avatar
        Valued Contributor II

        The next thing that comes to mind which I did not say is that you also need to assign the BR (and the settings) to the correct cube in case you have a multi-cube solution using linked cubes (vertical extensibility).

        I hope you'll figure it out soon ğŸ™‚

  • Henning,
    Just wanted to update you since you wer kind enough to provide me with all this tips and recommendations.  After not finding the root cause and not getting anything after opening a ticket i went to the good old solution; took the Blueprint OSB_CustomTranslate BR that i based my BR on, put it into my cube and of course the Blueprint BR worked immediately.
    So as expected it must be a silly error in my BR even though i have not found the root case.  If I ever find the root cause i will send an update. And many thanks again for taking the time to respond with advice!
    Lesson learned, should have gone back to the Blueprint BR sooner.  

    • Henning's avatar
      Valued Contributor II

      Thanks for the update! Happens to everyone from time to time - frustrating, I know. Happy you got it to work eventually!

  • Still mystified.  All my settings were as you described (thanks again for the details).

    • Henning's avatar
      Valued Contributor II


      Assuming you got all the setting right, the next question is how are you testing this exactly? Possible that it is actually working, but the test(ing method) is not right. Happens more often than not. 

      If you'd like to dig deeper, may I ask you to share the exact steps you are taking to test this?


      After that - or, alternatively - you could start this from scratch. Fresh cube, new scenario, new rule, new cube view, new workflow profile, etc.