Forum Discussion

MP2's avatar
New Contributor II
6 months ago

Finance Functions

I'm curious about these four finance function types and whether anyone has worked on them: CalcDrillDownMemberFormula ConfirmationRule DynamicCalcAccount ReadSourceDataRecords...
  • MarcusH's avatar
    5 months ago

    I have only used ConfirmationRule. It allows the Confirmation Rule to be processed in BR rather than the Confirmation Rule area. The big benefit to this method is that you can manage all the Confirmation Rules in one place rather than having to edit each Confirmation Rule.

    Each Confirmation Rule contains the same call to the BR:


    Dim Conf As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.0000_ConfirmationRules.MainClass
    Return Conf.main(si, globals, api, args)


    And then the BR processes the confirmation logic and updates the Confirmation result. If the BR returns False the CR fails and True it passes. The BR updates the Confirmation Rule properties using args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Info, args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Rule.FailureMessage and args.ConfirmationRuleArgs.Rule.WarningMessage etc. It works really well and means that if a change needs to be made to all Confirmation Rules it's all in one place.