5 months agoContributor
Forecast seeding copying derived zeros to a hard zero from calculate
Using the below rule it seems my derived Zeros are being copied as real data zeros as a result of my Forecast Seeding data calculate. This is causing a problem with my "isrealdata" check in my override rules. I can do a work around on my Actual data by copying the already calced amounts and then suppress the calc rules, but then if the users have forecasted override changes they won't work. I guess my question is can you use a Data Calculate that will result in derived zeroes for the copied Actual periods?
Case "FC_Sep"
Select Case curMonth
Case "M1","M2","M3","M4","M5","M6","M7","M8"
api.Data.Calculate("S#" & curScenario & ":O#Import:V#Periodic = S#" & actScenario & ":V#Periodic", "A#Balance.Base",,,,,,,"U4#Top_Srce.Base.Remove(Calc)",)
api.Data.Calculate("S#" & curScenario & ":O#Import:V#Periodic = S#" & actScenario & ":V#Periodic", "A#Nat_Net_Ctrl_Income.Base, A#S_Dozens, A#S_NCIpct",,,,,,,"U4#Top_Srce.Base.Remove(Calc)")
End Select 'curMonth