2 years agoContributor
Get Account Type as Integer From String
Hello There,
Is there a way to get the 'Integer' behind each Account Type based on a 'String' ?
Context: I am trying to create new Account Members with pre-defined properties, all properties were straightforward except for the account type. Below a code portion for modifying a property & a hardcoded solution:
myaccountMember = BRApi.Finance.Metadata.GetMember(si, DimTypeId, accountID, True)
Dim AccProperties As AccountVMProperties = myaccountMember.GetAccountProperties()
'Add AccountProperties
'*** Text123 ***
AccProperties.Text1.SetStoredValue(ScenarioType.Unknown.Id,DimConstants.Unknown, mytxt1)
AccProperties.Text2.SetStoredValue(ScenarioType.Unknown.Id,DimConstants.Unknown, mytxt2)
AccProperties.Text3.SetStoredValue(ScenarioType.Unknown.Id,DimConstants.Unknown, mytxt3)
'*** AllowInput ***
'*** Account Type ***
Dim accTypeInt As Integer = GetAccountType(si, accountType) ' Since the 'SetStoredValue() only takes integers, I had to create a separate function that retrieves it
Here is the hardcoded function 'GetAccountType'() :
Public Function GetAccountType(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal AccountType As String) As Integer
Select Case AccountType 'Revenue, Expense, Asset, Liability, Flow, Balance, BalanceRecurring, NonFinancial, DynamicCalc, Group
Case = "Revenue"
Return 1
Case = "Expense"
Return 2
Case = "Asset"
Return 3
Case = "Liability"
Return 4
Case = "Flow"
Return 5
Case = "Balance"
Return 6
Case = "BalanceRecurring"
Return 7
Case = "NonFinancial"
Return 8
Case = "DynamicCalc"
Return 9
Case Else
Return 0
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
Off the top of my head:
Function GetAccountTypeByName(ByRef accTypeName as String) try: return AccountType.GetItem(accTypeName) catch ex as Exception: throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, new XFException(si, ex)) end try end function
That gives you back an AccountType object, which is a bit more flexible. Then in your main code you can use it like this:
AccProperties.AccountType.SetStoredValue( GetAccountTypeByName("Flow").Id )