Forum Discussion

ssmith-nova's avatar
New Contributor III
11 months ago

Helper Classes

I feel like an idiot asking this question but I can't find anything on google.

Where do all of the 'Helper' classes come from?

TimeDimHelper, StringHelper, ApplicationZipFileHelper, ScenarioDimHelper 

Are these all OneStream specific?

Is there any documentation or good posts about their use?




  • Thank for asking.  I was looking for documentation on some of these just now and saw your post.  Would be great to have documentation with many examples.

  • Steven's avatar
    Contributor II


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    These classes are all OneStream-specific, and sadly not fully documented yet, although Intellisense will help you.

    One thing I typically recommend is to download the GolfStream app, extract it, then search through the XMLs for "Helper" - you'll find lots of examples that are pretty easy to follow.

  • ap12's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Some are downloaded along with OneStream and the marketplace solutions generally have a lot of Helpers as well when installed. The design and reference guide has a few things on "helpers" as well, just ctrl Find "helper". Most are OneStream specific. 
