11 months agoNew Contributor III
How to access Security Group assigned to WF Profile
Is there a way to get a given Workflows JournalProcess, Approval and Submit Security Groups through a Business Rule. I need to send an email to these users in the security group as these events happ...
- 11 months ago
jwagner - The below code is an example to get the journal approval group. you can do the same for other journal groups.
Dim wfClusterPk2 As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, "Total_Corporate", "Actual","2024M1") Dim objList As List(Of WorkFlowProfileInfo) = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetRelatives(si, wfClusterPk2, WorkflowProfileRelativeTypes.Descendants,WorkflowProfileTypes.InputAdjChild) Dim wfList As New Dictionary(Of String, WorkFlowProfileInfo) For Each w As WorkflowProfileInfo In objList Dim WFPName As String = w.NameAndDescription If WFPName ="USA_DataLoad.Adj" Then Dim getunqId As String = w.GetAttributeValue(ScenarioTypeID.Actual, SharedConstants.WorkflowProfileAttributeIndexes.JournalApprovalGroup,Nothing) brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,getunqId & "----Get UniqueId for Journal Approval Group") Dim objGroupInfoEx As GroupInfoEx = BRApi.Security.Admin.GetGroupInfoEx(si, getunqId.XFConvertToGuid) Dim GroupNameforJournalAppgrp As String = objGroupInfoEx.GroupInfo.Group.Name brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,GroupNameforJournalAppgrp & "--Get the Journal Approval Group Name") End If Next