IsValid Destination / IsDesinationWithin the constrain / DataBuffer Log for errors
Hi guys
we frequently work with data buffer (or sometimes even with setcell) and there's a problem for which I coudn't find a solution. E.g. we have an allocation setting the values to certain intersections in the target data buffer. If among all cells to write some of them are invalid intersection (not within the constraints of the account for one or more Flow/Ud element), there's no error and they are simply not written. From here: is there a function to test an intersection and check whether it's valid or not? Is there a function to do that for the whole databuffer without loops and get the list of invalid records?
Even worse, sometimes the target members don't exist and we just get an error. But I need to log the data buffer and investigate each single row to identify where the problem is. Is there a function or a best practice to get a log with the rows in error in case the target members don't exist?
We found this function(s) api.Account.IsFlowICOrUDMemberWithinConstraintMember(accountMemberId, flowICOrUDDimPk, flowICOrUDMemberId, varyByCubeTypeId), but this works for a dimension at a time, not very efficient.
Thanks a lot for sharing great ideas!