9 months agoContributor
Lock one process
Hi Team,
We have 2 similar processes under one member in workflow. I need to lock process A, when B is completed. Could you please advise what method to use?
Many thanks!
Kamila - My understanding is that you have 2 Import Process under the WF and you would like to lock Process A when B is completed. If that is the case
1. If you are not using WF channel and the process is manual load then you can lock B then A will automatically lock because it is using the same Standard WF channel.
2. If you are using WF channel & also automation you can perform this using Extender Business rule by load it to the cube once lock process B then Loca A as well.
Thank you Krishna for your reply!
Yes, I have 2 import processes under WF and I can't lock them manually each time. I wanted to use your (2) option to create a Extender BR, but I couldn't find any method to close specific process under workflow.
Kamila - You can use the below method to lock. I am not sure what do you mean by Close ? What are you trying to close ?
BRApi.Workflow.Locking.LockWorkflowUnitDescendants(si, wfClusterPk, profileTypeFilter, workflowChannelKey)
I have 2 similar import processes within one workflow and unfortunately both should be enabled. When user decides to use process A, process B should be locked (and vice versa). The goal is to prevent completion of both processes.