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MarcR's avatar
3 years ago

Obsolete functions

Hi All, 

in OneStream 6.x some functions in Business Rules became Obsolete.

One of them is the BRApi.Database.GetCustomDataTable where the initial script required a string as CriteriaExpression but now it requires a list of dbWheres. That part I fixed.

There are also functions that are not available anymore like:

1) Warning at line 418: 'Public Shared Overloads Function CreateSubstVarSourceInfo(dbConnFW As DbConnInfo, dbConnAppOrFW As DbConnInfo) As SubstVarSourceInfo' is obsolete: 'This is a temporary function used by Marketplace Solutions for backwards compatibility with old XF versions. Please change your code to use supported functionality.'.

The SubstitutionVariablesHelper is not available anymore.


Has anyone an alternative to this function (often used in MarketPlace solutions)?





'Create DBConn Infos (Only Used for EngineIfStatement Expression Processing)
Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
'Prepare Substitution Variable Info and evaluate expressions found in Global Driver list
Dim subVarInfo As SubstVarSourceInfo = SubstitutionVariablesHelper.CreateSubstVarSourceInfo(dbConnFW, dbConnApp)

'Execute substituion variable evaluation in order to process BRString and XFCell
If (sSubstitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("XFCell") Or sSubstitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("XFBR") Or sSubstitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("BRString"))
sSubstitutedString = SubstitutionVariableParser.ConvertString(si, subVarInfo, Nothing, sSubstitutedString)

End If '(substitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("XFCell") Or substitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("XFBR") Or substitutedString.XFContainsIgnoreCase("BRString"))
End Using 'dbConnApp
End Using 'dbConnFW





  • Hello Marc,
    You can use the 3-argument version instead, with FALSE as the 3rd argument.
    That is NOT depreciated
    Dim subVarInfo As SubstVarSourceInfo = SubstitutionVariablesHelper.CreateSubstVarSourceInfo(dbConnFW, dbConnApp,False)

  • ChrisLoran's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hello Marc,
    You can use the 3-argument version instead, with FALSE as the 3rd argument.
    That is NOT depreciated
    Dim subVarInfo As SubstVarSourceInfo = SubstitutionVariablesHelper.CreateSubstVarSourceInfo(dbConnFW, dbConnApp,False)