Parameter - Is there a way to update the Filter Property via a Business rule?
I am writing to the community to see if anyone knows of a way to programmatically update a Parameter from a Business Rule to update the Filter Property (for a Member List or really any type of list). I can see the way to set the "Default Value" of a property but not a way to update the List which the property gets its values from.
The member Filter is set to just reference Net Sales, but what I'd like to really do here is build the Member Filter from a list that I create in a business rule (Dashboard Extender, call to an Extender Rule, etc). I only see these options:
This will set the value to 2024, but it has to be already in the List...
This throws an error after the 1st entry, but still won't render in a combo box because I'm not really adding it to the List of Member Filters...
This will set the 1st value, but doesn't work for a list ... only 1 value...
I don't see in the api an ability to modify the Filter property or really inspect a parameter and change its other properties.
Has anyone been able to do this?
If you are trying to assign a dashboard dataset rule to a parameter, the parameter type must be Bound List with Command Type = Method and Method Type = BusinessRule. If you want to use a Member Filter parameter, you will need to go the XFBR route.