Forum Discussion

egoodwin's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Passing OS Version Number as a Dashboard Parameter

I'm trying to create a Dashboard parameter that has the OS Version number of the application. I would have thought that something like

Dim osVersion As String = OneStream.Shared.Common.GeneralStrings.OSVersion

would return the value, but this simply returns the string "OS Version". Can someone please point me to the correct function or member to get the application version number?

  • This should work:


    dim version as String = Onestream.Shared.Common.XFVersionInfo.XFVersion



    From the XFVersionInfo you can get a couple of other related version-information:



  • This should work:


    dim version as String = Onestream.Shared.Common.XFVersionInfo.XFVersion



    From the XFVersionInfo you can get a couple of other related version-information:



    • egoodwin's avatar
      New Contributor II

      This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Not sure what you're doing exactly and it isn't what you asked but just thought I'd share as I can't see it documented anywhere. There are some preprocessor directives for 8.0 you can use if you want to make it easier to manage/compile version specific code:

    • ONESTREAM8_0_0


     ' do exciting new stuff
     ' do boring old stuff
    #End If



    • FrankDK's avatar

      Interesting. Where did you pick that up, and do you have other hidden gems that could be useful?

      And btw, good coder humor with " ' do boring old stuff" 😁

      • DanielWillis's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        FrankDK wrote:

        Interesting. Where did you pick that up, and do you have other hidden gems that could be useful?

        I had to fly 20 hours from Sydney to Orlando for Wave to find out 😅

        I actually didn't realise it was a 'hidden gem'. I was going to link to the documentation and when I went to find it there was nothing I could find! Its definitely frustrating finding out there is something you should/could have been using but just needed to get lucky and have someone who knows share the knowledge.