Learning VBNet
- 4 years ago
I did this as a refresher from my college days…it was suggested from the OneStream BR course: A suggestion for an overview is Channel 9 on MSDN for Bob Tabor’s roughly 8 hours of videos on introduction to key concepts
available at https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Visual-Basic-Fundamentals-for-Absolute-Beginners. You can also visit Bob
Tabor’s site at: https://bobtabor.com/. Another resource is www.tutorialspoint.com/vb.net/index.htm and www.functionx.com/
vb/index.htm - 4 years ago
If you’re just getting started with Rule Writing in OneStream, make sure you download and install the Snippet Editor from MarketPlace. The Snippet Editor includes a number of VB.Net helpers in the Other > General grouping. The following sites are also recommended as helpful to learn VB.NET syntax in the OneStream L2 Finance Business Rule course: