2 years agoContributor
Referencing C# Workspace Assemblies from VB.Net, Warning Access of ... not evaluated
I found a C# code library and I'd like to use this class in VB.Net. Here are the steps I've taken so far.
1. In my VB.Net Rule I've referenced the C# assemblies.
2. In my VB.Net Rule I've create...
- 2 years ago
Hi Chris,
It doesn't matter that your library is written in C#. Once compiled, .net is .net.
The error is telling you that you are accessing the shared (static) method XIRR through in instance of CalculationWrapper - created when you used the New keyword.
Try this:'Create an object for the class defined in External Assembly (Toolbox) so we can use methods in the class '** Commented out. Don't instantiate to use a static method. 'Dim XIRRWrapper As New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CalculationWrapper Dim cashFlows = New List(Of OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CashFlowDates ) From { New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CashFlowDates(-1000, New DateTime(2017, 1, 1)), New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CashFlowDates(500, New DateTime(2017, 7, 1)), New OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CashFlowDates(507.5, New DateTime(2018, 1, 1)) } api.LogMessage(OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CalculationWrapper.XIRR(cashFlows, 6).ToString())
- 2 years ago
Hi Robb,
Thank you! The warning is gone. Business Rule 'XIRRusage' was compiled successfully.
api.LogMessage( OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.XIRR.CalculationWrapper.XIRR(cashFlows, 6).ToString() )