Forum Discussion

RandyThompson's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Reading the BiBlend view in a Spreadsheet (TableView) business rule

In a Spreadsheet (TableView) business rule, I am trying to reference the view created during the load of a BiBlend Star Schema. In our case when I create the BiBlend Star Schema tables, I also see that a view is automatically created that links the dimension tables to the fact table. I would like to read this view as my datasource for my table view.

I added the line the following line:

    sql.AppendLine("FROM vBIB_OneStreamDevelopment_COPA_AnalysisImport_COPA_BiBlend_2023M6")

When I open the Table View in the OneStream spreadsheet I get the error message "Invalid object name 'vBIB_OneStreamDevelopment_COPA_AnalysisImport_COPA_BiBlend_2023M6'. I can read this view using a Data Adapter without issue, but when I embed in a Table View rule I get the above error.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    2 years ago

    Here's some code that works for me on 7.2.2. HOWEVER, as I was testing it, it looked like OneStream had some issue with a particular column (an Attribute), so maybe try restricting to a few columns to test the connection first.


    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Spreadsheet.GL_TestForum
      Public Class MainClass
        Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, _
    	       ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs) As Object
    			Select Case args.FunctionType
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.Unknown
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetTableView
    					Dim dtable As DataTable
    					Using dbconnapp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateExternalDbConnInfo(si, "AnalyticBlendExternal")
    						dtable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbconnapp, _
    							"SELECT TOP 10 [Rt],[SourceID],[Label],[TextValue],[sEntity] FROM vBIB_Gold_AnalyticBlend_Trainer_BlendImport_Blend_2020M1", _
    						dTable.TableName = "BiBLend"
    					End Using
    					Return Me.getTv(si, globals, args, dTable)
    				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.SaveTableView
    			End Select
    			Return Nothing
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    		End Try
        End Function
        Public Function getTv(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, _
    		    ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs, ByVal dt As DataTable) As TableView
    		Dim tv As New TableView()
    		tv.CanModifyData = False
    		Dim rowHeader As New TableViewRow()
    		For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
    			Dim col As New TableViewColumn()
    			col.Name = dc.ColumnName
    			col.Value = dc.ColumnName
    			col.IsHeader = True
    			rowHeader.Items.Add(col.Name, col)
    		For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
    			Dim tvRow As New TableViewRow()
    			For Each column As TableViewColumn In tv.Columns
    				tvRow.Items.Add(column.Name, _
    					tv.CreateColumn(column.Name, row.Item(column.Name), False))
    		Return tv
    	End Function
      End Class
    End Namespace


    Side note: please don't do this, it's a recipe for problems:


    For Each DataColumn as DataColumn in dt.Columns


     You're relying on Vb's rules for resolving names, which can be surprising at times. Just give a new name to that variable:


    For Each datacol as DataColumn in dt.Columns


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    I'm not aware of any restriction specific to Table Views.

    Can you post the code where you open the connection and execute the sql please? Chances are that the issue will be there.

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        Here's some code that works for me on 7.2.2. HOWEVER, as I was testing it, it looked like OneStream had some issue with a particular column (an Attribute), so maybe try restricting to a few columns to test the connection first.


        Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Spreadsheet.GL_TestForum
          Public Class MainClass
            Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, _
        	       ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs) As Object
        			Select Case args.FunctionType
        				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.Unknown
        				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetCustomSubstVarsInUse
        				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.GetTableView
        					Dim dtable As DataTable
        					Using dbconnapp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateExternalDbConnInfo(si, "AnalyticBlendExternal")
        						dtable = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbconnapp, _
        							"SELECT TOP 10 [Rt],[SourceID],[Label],[TextValue],[sEntity] FROM vBIB_Gold_AnalyticBlend_Trainer_BlendImport_Blend_2020M1", _
        						dTable.TableName = "BiBLend"
        					End Using
        					Return Me.getTv(si, globals, args, dTable)
        				Case Is = SpreadsheetFunctionType.SaveTableView
        			End Select
        			Return Nothing
        		Catch ex As Exception
        			Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        		End Try
            End Function
            Public Function getTv(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, _
        		    ByVal args As SpreadsheetArgs, ByVal dt As DataTable) As TableView
        		Dim tv As New TableView()
        		tv.CanModifyData = False
        		Dim rowHeader As New TableViewRow()
        		For Each dc As DataColumn In dt.Columns
        			Dim col As New TableViewColumn()
        			col.Name = dc.ColumnName
        			col.Value = dc.ColumnName
        			col.IsHeader = True
        			rowHeader.Items.Add(col.Name, col)
        		For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
        			Dim tvRow As New TableViewRow()
        			For Each column As TableViewColumn In tv.Columns
        				tvRow.Items.Add(column.Name, _
        					tv.CreateColumn(column.Name, row.Item(column.Name), False))
        		Return tv
        	End Function
          End Class
        End Namespace


        Side note: please don't do this, it's a recipe for problems:


        For Each DataColumn as DataColumn in dt.Columns


         You're relying on Vb's rules for resolving names, which can be surprising at times. Just give a new name to that variable:


        For Each datacol as DataColumn in dt.Columns