Forum Discussion

pling's avatar
New Contributor II
3 years ago

Removezeros in getdatabuffer


We have a seeding rule that is copying zeros:

sourceActualsBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBuffer(DataApiScriptMethodType.Calculate,S#Actual_Opco:U5#None,False, destinationBuffer)


I am trying to change it so it does not include zeros, by applying the removezeros function:

sourceActualsBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBuffer(DataApiScriptMethodType.Calculate,"RemoveZeros(S#Actual_Opco:U5#None)",False, destinationBuffer)


When I do this, I get an error see attachmement.

I tried to change the quotes RemoveZeros("S#Actual_Opco:U5#None") but then i get a different error when validating. 


Could not find anything in the reference on how to fix this. Anybody can help?


  • Hi, you can use GetDataBufferUsingFormula, e.g.

    You can also use your data buffer, loop through the cells and remove the zeros and no data cells like that.
  • Henning's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Hi, you can use GetDataBufferUsingFormula, e.g.

    You can also use your data buffer, loop through the cells and remove the zeros and no data cells like that.
  • pling's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Thanks Henning! seems to work. Need to further test it!