Forum Discussion

OlofA's avatar
New Contributor II
12 months ago

Retrieve field value for account dimension member


I'm trying to retrieve the value of the field "Text - Text 8" for an account dimension member. What formula should I use to get this value?

Thank you in advance!

  • In a rule/XFBR:

    'Dim sValue As String    = BRApi.Finance.Account.Text(si, memberId, textPropertyIndex, varyByScenarioTypeId, varyByTimeId)
    Dim text8Value As String = BRApi.Finance.Account.Text(si, 1002,     8,                 900100,               2022009000)

    in a cubeview:

    XFMemberProperty(DimType=Account, Member=NetIncome, Property=Text8)


  • RobbSalzmann's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    In a rule/XFBR:

    'Dim sValue As String    = BRApi.Finance.Account.Text(si, memberId, textPropertyIndex, varyByScenarioTypeId, varyByTimeId)
    Dim text8Value As String = BRApi.Finance.Account.Text(si, 1002,     8,                 900100,               2022009000)

    in a cubeview:

    XFMemberProperty(DimType=Account, Member=NetIncome, Property=Text8)


  • BobNelson's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Interesting solution.  I might have created a ud8 member with a formula attached to it so as to retrieve and display the text value in a column of a cube view.