Forum Discussion

Satish's avatar
New Contributor II
10 months ago

Security users adding/removing


Is there any way to access system tables from third party tools like ex:Sailpoint etc to add/remove users or groups.

Thank you in Advance, much appreciated.


Satish P

  • kberry's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Also look at Provision Request Manager (PRM) on Solution Exchange. It allows you to automate provisioning by updating a relational table rather than writing custom code. If you still choose the custom code route, it can provide good code examples. PRM is moving to OpenPlace in August. 

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Satish  - I am afraid that you can access the system tables from 3rd party tool. rather you can use API trigger user management. Ex if you have 3rd party API to create a User then call in OS then pass the JSON response to BRAPI to create user. Basically 3rd party API -> JSON -> BRAPI (OS). Hope this helps.

    • Satish's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Krishna,

      Thanks for your inputs, it could be great help if you explain bit in detail or if you have any sample codes to share. much appreciated for the help 


      Satish P

  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Satish

    I think you would be better and safer off developing OneStream business rules to perform your security management that can then be executed from your third party tool. There are REST API end points to allow you to execute OneStream DM jobs.

    - Daniel

    • Satish's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Hi Daniel,

      Thanks for your inputs, actually that make sense in terms of security. it could be great help if you explain bit in detail or if you have any sample codes to share. much appreciated for the help 


      Satish P