Seeding Actuals to Forecast for Extended dimension
Hi ,
I am trying to write a statement similar to below in a Finance business rule. This copies all data for source scenario to target scenario for Base accounts under a specific node and some additional filtering. This works fine when both Scenarios are of type Forecast. However for Actuals to Forecast it is not working and this is because our Actuals are extended and uses a deeper granularity than forecast type scenario ( which uses a summarized granularity). I have seen O/S snippets and article that we use a convert data buffer command to make this copy work , but unable to find the exact syntax which can help me to also filter accounts and other dimension as shown below.
api.Data.Calculate("S#" & Target & " = S#" & Source & ", V#Periodic" ,"A#GMACM.Base" ,,"O#BeforeAdj.Base","I#None",,,,,,,,,AddressOf onEvalDataBuffer,,True)