SQL Manipulation with a VB Net Variable
Does anyone know an effective way to alter the amount column of a table using a SQL script?
Use case: the client is bringing in what they call "Production Downtime" to the system, which shows hours of downtime by plant based on a reason (attribute). Using a Dashboard Data Set rule, I created a SQL query to return specific results from the stage table based on Entity and Plant selections. This rule is linked to a data adapter and fed into the BI Viewer.
In their BI Viewer report, it shows current Month vs PY Month. Since this data is coming in daily, when the user is looking at the current month, (today is Nov 21) the current month shows 21 days' worth of downtime data. They would like the PY Month to also represent 21 days of data.
So, I would like to create a "ratio" variable that reads the current day of month and divides by the total days in month, and multiply the PY data by it. I created something similar in a UD8 calc:
(SQL Is not my strong suit) how can I apply this "ratio" to the amount column of a SQL query?
Amount * Ratio