11 months agoNew Contributor III
SQL Query to External Table
I tested the following SQL in a data adapter, accessing a external table
Select * FROM Table
WHERE "Cost Center" = 'CC_11111111'
Data returned here, data adapter worked fine.
I am using a Business Rule, and can’t seem to get the BR to work if there is a space in the field name of the external table.
'****WORKS****getExternalDataSql.AppendLine("Select * from TABLE Where PC = 'XXXX' " )
*****Error*****getExternalDataSql.AppendLine("Select * from TABLE Where [Cost Center] = 'CC_XXXXXXXX' " )
I have tried every combination single quote, quotes, brackets on the Cost Center field.
Question: Will an external query work in a BR, where the table has spaces in the names ?
Any help or advice will be appreciated. Thanks Tom