Forum Discussion
Hi, I tried this approach, however, |MFAccount| does not seem to be recognized by the XFBR rule. When I put the actual Account Name in it works fine but Account=|MFAccount| does not. Any ideas?
If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("GetAccountFormatFromText8") Then
Dim ScenID As Integer = DimConstants.Unknown
Dim TimeID As Integer = DimConstants.Unknown
Dim accountName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("Account")
Dim accountId As Integer = BRapi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,DimType.Account.Id,accountName)
Dim FormatParam As String = BRApi.Finance.Account.Text(si,accountID, 8,ScenID,TimeID)
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, $"accountName: " & accountName)
BRApi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, $"FormatParam: " & FormatParam)
Return FormatParam
End If
I guess it depends on whether that column or rows actually uses a filter on Accounts. MF is for "member filter", and it's supposed to retrieve the member where a filter is specified. E.g. if you have a row defined with "A#BalanceSheet.Base", MFAccount will be populated by the actual Account on expansion, i.e. A#MyNiceAssed, A#MyBadLiability etc etc; but if that row expands on something else, e.g. E#Total.Base, MFAccount won't be populated. If that principle doesn't hold true, it should be reported; at which point, the only option becomes a CV Extender.
- GregHertling3 years agoNew Contributor III
Hi, it does not work. My rows are only accounts, and I am using a member filter on Account. A#AssetGlobalsSpecs_EV.Base
Typing the member in works:
XFBR(Format_Helper, GetAccountFormatFromText8, Account=NumberOfChargers_EV)
This does not work:
XFBR(Format_Helper, GetAccountFormatFromText8, Account=|MFAccount|)
How can I use a CV Extender? I thought they only worked on reports?
thanks again,
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