10 months agoNew Contributor III
Store Calculation not working
Hello OneStream experts:
I created and account=MyAccount and put member formula.
api.Data.Calculate("A#MyAccount = A#NETINC")
I set AccountType=Dynamic Calc Formula Type=Formula Pass 1
I am a...
- 10 months ago
Hi SimpleLove so a DynamicCalc does not store data. It can not be assigned a Formula Pass and you can not use an API call on a DynamicCalc account. You have A#MyAccount as the destination for the calculation. A DynamicCalc should have a Return Statement in which you are returning a value (or text or something). Do you simply want to display the value of the A#NETINC account member?
If you want A#MyAccount to calculate and store a value - change the Account Type = Revenue, and change the Formula Pass to something like Pass 6 - not pass 1 where it may step on Flow member calcs.