Syntax Text2 memberlist
I have two questions:
ud3 text2 has text which is the entity on where we are going to seed to..
1) I want a memberlist where Text2 is not blank or has no data. I am wondering if Text2 <> '' is the correct way to go?
2) What is the syntax of brapi or api.logmessage to see what is in the memberlist?
'Dim memberFilter_UD3 As String = "Cb#CONCUBE:U3#PCHEAD.Descendants.Where(Text2 DoesNotContain '')"
Dim memberFilter_UD3 As String = "Cb#CONCUBE:U3#PCHEAD.Descendants.Where(Text2 <> '')"
Dim UD3List As List(Of Memberinfo) = api.Members.GetMembersUsingFilter(api.Pov.UD3Dim.DimPk,memberFilter_UD3)
'api.logmessage("UD3List", String.Join(vbnewline, memberFilter_UD3.Select(Function(x) x.GetType.FullName)))
BRAPI.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"1_Target_ " & UD3List)
For each UD3 as Memberinfo in UD3List etc. etc.
BRAPI.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,"Test " & UD3.NameAndDescription)' &" " & UD3.Properties.GetUDProperties.Text2.GetValue())