Time Member POV CVs
- 3 years ago
Hi KAC: sounds like you're most of the way there. You'll move the time selection to the column (or row) section of your Cube View so that it can expand into multiple periods (the fixed POV only allows for a single selection). To get your member expansion across the finish line so it can be used in the Cube View you'll need to:
- Put your logic into a Finance Business rule (MemberList FinanceFunctionType)
- There is a reference snippet you can follow: 'Build Member Info Lists'
- Reference your function from the Cube View column selection using the custom member list syntax:
- T#Root.CustomMemberList(BRName=MyBusinessRuleName, MemberListName=MyMemberListName, Param1=[|!SelectionOne!|], Param2=[|!SelectionTwo!|])
- Check under the 'Samples -> Custom Member List Expressions' from the Member Filter Builder for additional syntax options
- Define your selection parameters via standard parameters and have those passed to the BR-Function listed above
That said, I would strongly encourage you to explore the standard member expansions before going the custom route. The out-of-box member expansions are super slick and cover >90% of our reporting needs. We've found using out-of-box functionality easier for our report writers to comprehend and maintain. You can even put the member expansion selection into its own parameter (delimited list). Time Member Expansions that come to mind:
- .Months / .Quarters / .HalfYears
- .AllPriorInYear / .AllPriorInYearInclusive
- .AllNextInYear / .AllNextinYearInclusive
- .PriorN (where the N [1..12] will give you that many prior periods)
- .NextN (same as above but forward periods)
- Put your logic into a Finance Business rule (MemberList FinanceFunctionType)