Forum Discussion

BCG's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Unable to populate the results into the destination intersection using GetDataBufferUsingFormula

Hi All,

I have written below rule where, I am not able to see the results, But rule is executed without any errors.

Rule is about : Writing up the source values based on the Tex1 and Tex2 assigned in the source Accounts. where Text1 & Text2 are target Intersections to to actually be written to...

Kindly help me if something is missing in the code.

Dim ResulDataBuf As DataBuffer = New DataBuffer()

Dim DestinationInfo As ExpressionDestinationInfo = api.Data.GetExpressionDestinationInfo("V#Periodic")
Dim DataBufFilter As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic,[A#[BS].Base.Where(Text1 <> vbnullstring And Text2 <> vbnullstring)])")
For Each sourceCell As DataBuffercell In DataBufFilter.DataBufferCells.Values

	Dim cashflowCell As New DataBufferCell(sourceCell) 'Temp buffercell within the loop to copy my cashflow cell

	Dim sText1 As String = api.Account.Text(cashflowCell.DataBufferCellPk.AccountId, 1) 'Source Mvmt
	Dim sText2 As String = api.Account.Text(cashflowCell.DataBufferCellPk.AccountId, 2) 'Target Account:Mvmnt.

	If (Not sText1 = vbNullString) And (Not sText2 = vbNullString) AndAlso instr(sText2, ":") > 0 Then

		Dim vSrcUD2Split As String() = Split(sText2, ":")
		Dim GetUD1Ac = Trim(vSrcUD2Split(0)) : Dim GetUD1Mvt = Trim(vSrcUD2Split(1))

		Dim vTgtActID As Integer = api.Members.GetMember(DimType.Account.Id, GetUD1Ac).MemberId
		Dim vTgtMvmntID As Integer = api.Members.GetMember(DimType.Flow.Id, GetUD1Mvt).MemberId

		cashflowCell.DataBufferCellPk.AccountId = vTgtActID
		cashflowCell.DataBufferCellPk.FlowId = vTgtMvmntID

		Dim ResultCell As New DataBuffercell(cashflowCell)

		If (Not sourceCell.CellStatus.IsNoData) Then
			ResulDataBuf.LogDataBuffer(api, "ResultCell", 100)
			ResulDataBuf.setcell(si, ResultCell, False)

		End If
	End If
api.Data.setdatabuffer(ResulDataBuf, DestinationInfo) 'Save the data into destination.
  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    I'd make sure your source databuffer is not empty, try logging that.

    • BCG's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thank you JackLacav for swift reply. i can see this error

      • JackLacava's avatar
        Community Manager

        you're filtering on View, which means the view id gets set to common, and then you never set a new one.