Hi Jana,
not sure where the WFEntity is that you are referring to. In the WF POV, the selection is WF Profile, Scenario and Time:
Do you have the entity name in the name of the workflow? Or do you mean the entities that are assigned to the workflow profile?
Assuming you have the entity name in the workflow profile name, you could e.g. use an XFBR like that:
'XFBR(ReportingHelper, ReturnEntityFromWFName, WFProfile = [|WFProfile|])
If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("ReturnEntityFromWFName") Then
Dim WFProfileName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("WFProfile")
Dim entityName As String = ...derive entity name from WFProfileName string...
Return entityName
End if
As for assigned entities, you can use a bound list parameter (as more than one entity may be assigned):
Select a profile with assigned entities and then run the parameter to see what it returns exactly: