Forum Discussion

MattRussell's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Attaching Intersection Errors to an Email During Automated Load Processing

Does anyone have example code they'd be willing to share here that allows the Intersection Error report to be attached and sent via email when errors are encountered during *automated* load processing?

Our users are being notified that an error has been encountered, but they have to log into OS to look up what the error was (new unmapped account, etc.). It would be nice to provide the error detail as an attachment or in the body of the email.

Also just curious how others in the community are notifying users that Load Errors have been encountered during automation, and providing the error detail to them?

Any input is appreciated.


  • To do this, there are two main steps
    1) find a suitable dashboard report that replicates what you see in Intersection Validations
    2) run it from a BR

    For step (1): There is a report, bundled with the Standard Application Reports (downloadable from Marketplace) which shows invalid intersections (see below)

    The trouble is with this report, is that it doesn't substitute the member names into the Intersection Error message column.  So you get messages like this:
             {0} member {1} is not within the constraint settings for account {2}
    and even that gets chopped off on the Standard Application Reports.

    This makes the report far less useful, and probably not good enough for this purpose. We'll come back to this in a moment.

    For step (2) , how to run a PDF from a dashboard from a Business Rule, there are two options:
     - BR runs a Data Mgmt step to export the dashboard report to a place in the FileShare, and then attach it through the email , or
     - Use the brapi.Dashboards.Process.ExportReportsForMultipleDashboards) to generate the file bytes for a PDF report, save the file bytes as a PDF , and attach that to the email.

    However, even by implementing step (2) there isn't a ready-to-use dashboard report that will correctly show the intersection errors and show you what members are involved.

    To resolve the issues from Step 1,  I would go for a simpler solution, and simply embed the intersection validation messages (with the member names) into the body of the email , as text or HTML.

    The following Extender Rule will report the Intersection Validation messages for the current workflow/time/scenario.
    The other notable feature of this example (unlike any dashboard report) is that it will correctly substitute the correct member names into the Validation Error Message, by using a DataCellValidationMsgList class.
    Make sure your workflow is on the import step when running this example in isolation, and this sample code must be created as an Extender rule.


    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.Common
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.ValidationReport
    	Public Class MainClass
    		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
    				If args.FunctionType = ExtenderFunctionType.Unknown
    					Dim gWFid 		As Guid    = si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey
    					Dim idScenario 	As Integer = si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey
    					Dim idTime 		As Integer = si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey
    					Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfoApp = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    						Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM StageToFinanceValidationError WHERE WorkflowProfileKey=@wfk AND WorkflowScenarioKey=@wsk AND WorkflowTimeKey=@wtk"
    						Dim lstParamInfo As New List(Of DbParamInfo)
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wfk", gWFid))
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wsk", idScenario))
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wtk", idTime))
    						Using dtValErr As DataTable = brapi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, strSQL, lstParamInfo, False)	
    							Dim sb_ValErrorsReport As New Text.StringBuilder()						
    							For Each drVal As DataRow In dtValErr.Rows
    								Dim strValMsg = drVal("ValidationmessagesXml").ToString()
    								Dim validationMsgList As DataCellValidationMsgList = XmlObject.ReadXmlString(si, GetType(DataCEllValidationMsgList), strValMsg, True)
    								For Each err As DataCellValidationMsg In validationMsgList.Messages									
    									sb_ValErrorsReport.AppendLine( String.Format(err.ErrorMsg,err.StringParams) )
    							brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "Validation errors (see detail pane)", sb_ValErrorsReport.ToString() )
    						End Using
    					End Using
    				End If
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace




  • ChrisLoran's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    To do this, there are two main steps
    1) find a suitable dashboard report that replicates what you see in Intersection Validations
    2) run it from a BR

    For step (1): There is a report, bundled with the Standard Application Reports (downloadable from Marketplace) which shows invalid intersections (see below)

    The trouble is with this report, is that it doesn't substitute the member names into the Intersection Error message column.  So you get messages like this:
             {0} member {1} is not within the constraint settings for account {2}
    and even that gets chopped off on the Standard Application Reports.

    This makes the report far less useful, and probably not good enough for this purpose. We'll come back to this in a moment.

    For step (2) , how to run a PDF from a dashboard from a Business Rule, there are two options:
     - BR runs a Data Mgmt step to export the dashboard report to a place in the FileShare, and then attach it through the email , or
     - Use the brapi.Dashboards.Process.ExportReportsForMultipleDashboards) to generate the file bytes for a PDF report, save the file bytes as a PDF , and attach that to the email.

    However, even by implementing step (2) there isn't a ready-to-use dashboard report that will correctly show the intersection errors and show you what members are involved.

    To resolve the issues from Step 1,  I would go for a simpler solution, and simply embed the intersection validation messages (with the member names) into the body of the email , as text or HTML.

    The following Extender Rule will report the Intersection Validation messages for the current workflow/time/scenario.
    The other notable feature of this example (unlike any dashboard report) is that it will correctly substitute the correct member names into the Validation Error Message, by using a DataCellValidationMsgList class.
    Make sure your workflow is on the import step when running this example in isolation, and this sample code must be created as an Extender rule.


    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Data.Common
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.IO
    Imports System.Linq
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
    Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
    Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
    Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.ValidationReport
    	Public Class MainClass
    		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
    				If args.FunctionType = ExtenderFunctionType.Unknown
    					Dim gWFid 		As Guid    = si.WorkflowClusterPk.ProfileKey
    					Dim idScenario 	As Integer = si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey
    					Dim idTime 		As Integer = si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey
    					Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfoApp = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    						Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM StageToFinanceValidationError WHERE WorkflowProfileKey=@wfk AND WorkflowScenarioKey=@wsk AND WorkflowTimeKey=@wtk"
    						Dim lstParamInfo As New List(Of DbParamInfo)
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wfk", gWFid))
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wsk", idScenario))
    						lstParamInfo.Add( New DbParamInfo("wtk", idTime))
    						Using dtValErr As DataTable = brapi.Database.ExecuteSql(dbConnApp, strSQL, lstParamInfo, False)	
    							Dim sb_ValErrorsReport As New Text.StringBuilder()						
    							For Each drVal As DataRow In dtValErr.Rows
    								Dim strValMsg = drVal("ValidationmessagesXml").ToString()
    								Dim validationMsgList As DataCellValidationMsgList = XmlObject.ReadXmlString(si, GetType(DataCEllValidationMsgList), strValMsg, True)
    								For Each err As DataCellValidationMsg In validationMsgList.Messages									
    									sb_ValErrorsReport.AppendLine( String.Format(err.ErrorMsg,err.StringParams) )
    							brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, "Validation errors (see detail pane)", sb_ValErrorsReport.ToString() )
    						End Using
    					End Using
    				End If
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace




    • franciscoamores's avatar
      Contributor II


      to add my 2 cents.

      Object DataCellValidationMsg has also function GetLocalizedText which will do all the error formatting

      ChrisLoran  thanks for sharing.

    • franciscoamores's avatar
      Contributor II

      I had this on my to do list since months... so I had a look to the SQL query.

      I want to work on a simplified version but the one below should be an starting point for parameter replacement. I don't think there is any validation error using more than 3 params (anyway adding new one is not a big deal). This query handled validation errors which might not using {i} params like validation message when a member m is invalid in dimension d.


      This would need to be tested where there are multiple validation messages in the same cell.

      WITH XMLValidationErrors
      AS (
      SELECT *
      ,cast(cast(validationMessagesXml AS TEXT) AS XML) AS xmlmsg                         
      FROM StageToFinanceValidationError
      StageToFinanceValidationError.WorkflowProfileKey = '|WFProfileKey|'
      AND StageToFinanceValidationError.WorkflowScenarioKey = |WFScenarioId|
      AND StageToFinanceValidationError.WorkflowTimeKey = |WFTimeId|
      AS (
      SELECT WorkflowProfileHierarchy.HierarchyIndex
      ,StageSummaryTargetData.SnT AS [Scenario]
      ,StageSummaryTargetData.Cube AS [Cube]
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/dataCellValidationMsgType)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS ValidationMsgType
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/errorMsg)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS ValidationErrMsg
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/stringParams/stringParam)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS Param1
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/stringParams/stringParam)[2]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS Param2
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/stringParams/stringParam)[3]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS Param3
      ,VE.Msg.query('.').value('(/message/errorMsg)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(max)') AS ValidationErrorString
      FROM XMLValidationErrors
      INNER JOIN WorkflowProfileHierarchy ON XMLValidationErrors.WorkflowProfileKey = WorkflowProfileHierarchy.ProfileKey
      INNER JOIN StageSummaryTargetData ON StageSummaryTargetData.SummaryRowID = XMLValidationErrors.SummaryRowID
      AND StageSummaryTargetData.Wfk = XMLValidationErrors.WorkflowProfileKey
      AND StageSummaryTargetData.Wsk = XMLValidationErrors.WorkflowScenarioKey
      AND StageSummaryTargetData.Wtk = XMLValidationErrors.WorkflowTimeKey
      CROSS APPLY xmlmsg.nodes('/dataCellValidationMsgList/messages/message') AS VE(Msg)
      WHERE WorkflowProfileHierarchy.ProfileKey = '|WFProfileKey|'
      SELECT *
      ValidationErrorString + (
      WHEN CHARINDEX('{0}', ValidationErrorString) = 0
      THEN ' {0}'
      ELSE ''
      ) + (
      WHEN CHARINDEX('{1}', ValidationErrorString) = 0
      THEN ', {1}'
      ELSE ''
      ) + (
      WHEN CHARINDEX('{2}', ValidationErrorString) = 0
      THEN ', {2}'
      ELSE ''
      ), '{0}', COALESCE(PARAM1, '')), '{1}', COALESCE(PARAM2, '')), '{2}', COALESCE(PARAM3, '')) AS FINAL_MSG
      FROM XMLValidationErrorsStr
      ORDER BY HierarchyIndex
      ,  AccountId     

    • franciscoamores's avatar
      Contributor II

      HI, I saw Stage Validation solution error released in Open Place 🙂

  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hey Matt

    Have just recently automated data loads using BRAPi.Utilities.ExecuteFileHarvestBatchParallel which returns a WorkflowBatchFileCollection object that contains the information needed without having to use SQL.



    • franciscoamores's avatar
      Contributor II



      From the WorkflowBatchFileCollection object you can navigate down to ValidateIntersectionProcessInfo objects for each workflow unit processed. In ValidateIntersectionProcessInfo you can get number of invalid intersections but I don't think you can get details about invalid intersections from there. are you getting them?

      • franciscoamores's avatar
        Contributor II

        Another way to get the intersection errors:

        Using dbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateDbConnInfo(si, DbLocation.Application, Nothing)
        	' Get the intersection check errors from table StageToFinanceValidationError
        	Dim invalidIntersections As List(Of StageToFinanceValidationError) = New Data().GetStageToFinanceValidationErrors(si, wfClusterPk.ProfileKey, wfClusterPk.ScenarioKey, wfClusterPk.TimeKey)
        	' Get list of Tuple(SummaryRowId, ErrorMessage) 
        	Dim GetErrorMsg = Function(errors As List(Of DataCellValidationMsg))
        		Dim sb As New Text.StringBuilder
        		sb.AppendLine("Validation Errors Bypassed:")
        		errors.ForEach(Sub(x) sb.AppendLine(x.GetLocalizedText(si)))
        		Return sb.ToString
        	End Function
        	Dim listSummaryRowsAndErrors As List(Of Tuple(Of String, String)) = invalidIntersections.Select(Function (x) New Tuple(Of String, String)(x.SummaryRowID.ToString, GetErrorMsg(x.DataCellValidationMsgList.Messages))).ToList
  • DanielWillis's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hey you're right I thought I had it in the bottom of the email but must have just been interested in calling it out and not the detail. I just had the raw batch log at the bottom.