Forum Discussion

vmanojrc30's avatar
2 years ago

Batch Loads Freeze

I have a OS Batch File Load Setup which loads Multi Year and Multi Period Data(3 Years).I have an Extender Business Rule that creates the Batch File one period at a time and calls BRAPi.Utilities.ExecuteFileHarvestBatch to execute the data load one period at a time. Data Source is a connector.

The issue I have is every time when I run the batch one of the WF steps (Validate Transformation, Validate Intersection or Load Cube) freezes and make no progress after executing roughly 10-12 periods. It doesn't make progress even after an hour wait. I will have to cancel the running task and batch and then restart the data management job with the next period forward. Again, it runs fine for 10-12 periods and freezes again.

Appreciate any recommendations/suggestions to try resolve this issue. I am not sure if this related to any OS configuration that allows data loads for long time.






    • vmanojrc30's avatar

      Extender Rule:

      Imports System
      Imports System.Data
      Imports System.Data.Common
      Imports System.IO
      Imports System.Collections.Generic
      Imports System.Globalization
      Imports System.Linq
      Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
      Imports System.Windows.Forms
      Imports System.Net.Mail
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
      Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
      Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
      Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
      Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.RP_BDGT_CURRENT_HISTORY_LOAD
      Public Class MainClass
      Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
      Select Case args.FunctionType
      Case Is = ExtenderFunctionType.Unknown, ExtenderFunctionType.ExecuteDataMgmtBusinessRuleStep
      	'Set global/workflow info
      	Dim swfName As String = "Revenue Planning"
      	Dim swfSub As String = ";RP_BDGT_CURRENT_HISTORY"
      	Dim swfProfile As String = swfName & swfSub
      	Dim swfScenario As String = "Budget"
      	'Set Parameters
      	Dim OSStartPeriod As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("StartPeriod")
      	Dim OSEndPeriod As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("EndPeriod")
      	'Define the Start and End Periods
      	Dim StartPeriodList As List (Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(OSStartPeriod,"M")
      	Dim StartYear As Integer = StartPeriodList(0)
      	Dim StartMonth As Integer = StartPeriodList(1)
      	Dim EndPeriodList As List (Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(OSEndPeriod,"M")
      	Dim EndYear As Integer = EndPeriodList(0)
      	Dim EndMonth As Integer = EndPeriodList(1)
      	Dim CalcStartPeriod As Integer = (StartYear * 100) + StartMonth
      	Dim CalcEndPeriod As Integer = (EndYear * 100) + EndMonth
      	Dim OSExecPeriod As String = OSStartPeriod
      	Dim CalcExecPeriod As Integer = CalcStartPeriod
      	While CalcExecPeriod <= CalcEndPeriod
      		'Set file name variables
      		Dim loadMethod As String = "R"
      		Dim strFilePath As String = "\\\OneStreamShare\FileShare\Applications\XXXXX\Batch\Harvest\"
      		Dim strSuffix As String = "TriggerAuto-"
      		'Set Processing Switches
      		Dim valTransform As Boolean = True
      		Dim valIntersect As Boolean = True
      		Dim loadCube As Boolean = True
      		Dim processCube As Boolean = False
      		Dim confirm As Boolean = False
      		Dim autoCertify As Boolean = False
      		'Create trigger file
      		Dim strFileName As String = strSuffix & swfProfile & "-" & swfScenario & "-" & OSExecPeriod & "-" & loadMethod
      		Dim fileTrigger1 As New StreamWriter(strFilePath & strFileName & ".txt")
      		'Execute Data Load
      		Dim batchInfo As WorkflowBatchFileCollection = BRAPi.Utilities.ExecuteFileHarvestBatch(si, swfScenario, "2020M1" , valTransform, valIntersect, loadCube, processCube, confirm, autoCertify, True)
      		Dim fileTrigger2 As String = strFilePath & strFileName & ".txt"
      		While File.Exists(fileTrigger2)
      		End While
      		'Move to Next Period
      		Dim ExecPeriodList As List (Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(OSExecPeriod,"M")
      		Dim ExecYear As Integer = ExecPeriodList(0)
      		Dim ExecMonth As Integer = ExecPeriodList(1)
      		If ExecMonth = 12 Then
      			ExecMonth = 1
      			ExecYear = ExecYear +1
      			ExecMonth = ExecMonth +1
      			ExecYear = ExecYear
      		End If
      		OSExecPeriod = ExecYear & "M" & ExecMonth
      		Dim ExecPeriodList1 As List (Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(OSExecPeriod,"M")
      		Dim ExecYear1 As Integer = ExecPeriodList1(0)
      		Dim ExecMonth1 As Integer = ExecPeriodList1(1)
      		CalcExecPeriod = (ExecYear1 * 100) + ExecMonth1
      		'End If
      	End While
      End Select
      Return Nothing
      Catch ex As Exception
      	Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
      End Try
      End Function
      End Class
      End Namespace
      • vmanojrc30's avatar

        Connector BR:

        Private Function GetDBBudget_Import1SourceDataSQL(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer) As String
        	'Create the SQL Statement
        	Dim statement As New Text.StringBuilder
        	Dim wfScenario As String = api.CurrentDataClusterKey.ScenarioName
        	Dim wfName As String = api.WorkflowProfile.Name
        	Dim WFMonth As String = TimeDimHelper.GetSubComponentsFromId(api.WorkflowUnitPk.TimeKey).Month.ToString
        	Dim WFYear As String = TimeDimHelper.GetYearFromId(api.WorkflowUnitPk.TimeKey).ToString
        	Dim WFTime As String = WFYear & "M" & WFMonth
        	'Budget Model - Current and Historic Periods
        	statement.Append("select Period , Facnumber , UnitGroup , Account , Amount from dbbudget.Test.BudgetModelInputs where Account in ('Rental' , 'Vacate' , 'BOMCustomers' , 'TotalUnits') and Facnumber in (select * from dbbudget.dbo.vw_GetActiveStores) And Period = '" & WFTime & "'")
        	Return statement.ToString
        	Catch ex As Exception
        	Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        End Try
        End Function
  • I removed the piece of code related to sleep and its still behave the same way. Data loads freeze at 10th period. However when i run the data management job only for the Period 10 or Period 12 it completes successfully within 5-10 minutes. These periods have high volume of data in the range of 600-800K records.

    It appears some memory related setting is preventing it to load sequentially beyond certain time when run via batch loads process.I tried direct import as well.But it freezes for long time and fails either at Validate Intersection or Load cube step.


    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      If you're a Cloud customer, you should get in touch with Support.

      If you're on-premises, I'd suggest looking in the Installation and Configuration Guide, particularly the troubleshooting chapter (which has a paragraph on " Long Running Server Process Hangs or Stops With Logging Errors"...). Beyond that, you can pull up your Application Server Config file and play around with variables (sql blocking timeouts, etc etc).