Forum Discussion

WCHeceta's avatar
New Contributor III
10 months ago

Blank lines in a journal template

Is there an upward limit on the number of blank lines that can be kept in a journal template?

  • WCHeceta's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Client set up a "default" with 50k lines - we know that 40k does not work. Deleting most of them does allow it work..

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Lol, I'm not surprised... I'd say even 10k lines are too many, from a theoretical perspective. How are they ever going to seriously review such a beast? They'll just end up waving data into the cube unchecked, and maintainability will be hellish (what if one line is wrong and the journal has to be unpublished? Thousands of datapoint will get out of whack...).

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Er, I don't think anyone knows, have you tried any specific amount...?