Forum Discussion

xtensibilitybro's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Data Copy Error


I have created a "Data Copy" "Data Management Step" which copies base level entity data from one scenario to another. I am copying import, forms, and journals. 

When I run the step I am receiving the following error:

"Error processing Data Management Step 'DM Step Name'. Error processing Data Management Step 'DM Step Name'. Journal 'Journal Name' contains line items for entity 'Entity Name' which is not currently being processed."

I reviewed the source journal entry and ensured that it was posted and that the entity calculation status was "OK".

This error is only occuring in one period as well works fine when I copy other periods. When I review the journals in both periods they are identifcal other than the amounts.  Has anyone else come across this before? 

Thank you!

  • Sounds like something funky. Did you open a support case? Would you want me to open it?

  • All,

    The cause of this error is due to data attempting to be copied from a journal when the Entity is not in the filter being used the DM step. In my case, my client made a JE that had multiple entities in the rows, but the DM step looked at WFCalcuationEntities which did not include all of the entities in the data copy. If you are copying using the DM Step data copy and ADJ is included in that copy, you need to make sure that all Entities are included in your Entity filter as it copies the whole journal and not just a single line or the lines in your Entity filter.

  • StevenFinkell's avatar
    New Contributor II


    The cause of this error is due to data attempting to be copied from a journal when the Entity is not in the filter being used the DM step. In my case, my client made a JE that had multiple entities in the rows, but the DM step looked at WFCalcuationEntities which did not include all of the entities in the data copy. If you are copying using the DM Step data copy and ADJ is included in that copy, you need to make sure that all Entities are included in your Entity filter as it copies the whole journal and not just a single line or the lines in your Entity filter.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Sounds like something funky. Did you open a support case? Would you want me to open it?

  • StevenFinkell's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Were you able to resolve this issue? I have a client that started seeing this error this month.

