Deleted DM job
- 2 years ago
Hi Irina,
I hope you are doing fine!
If the DM jobs got deleted, the easiest for you could be to ask OS to recover a back up of the application. It will be there.
Also, I recommend that you use the task scheduler to run a full XML back up on a daily basis. It is an easiest and independant way to recover lost metadata. Your consultant could implement that for you. There should be a guide on this community too. I will try to have a look for you.
Now, there is also another more manual approach and it is to use the Audit tables.
Lets assume you created this DM Step belowIf you go to the System > Database > AuditDataMgmtStep table you should see something like this. Do a filter on your DMJob name (I assume the name was unique)
Look on the left side you will find the XML content of the DM job.
And from there you can recreate the XML file like this to reload in OS. You are still missing some information (outside of the red box)
I know that this method seems a bit more complex. Easiest is to ask for a back up in another app.
Hope it helps,