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Hi Lee,
So I have tried the following, the PathEncode helps tidy it up, but whichever of these 3 I try, it is not pulling the correct month data. What I have found though, is regardless of what SAP account I drill back to, it will only send 50 items to the DrillBack grid in OneStream. At least, when I right click and export the grid to a csv it is only giving me a maximum of 51 rows. So it does pull all the months I am 'sending' if there are less than 50 items in that particular gl account. I have searched for a 'Top50' in the code, but cannot see that it is restricting it on the OneStream side.
Dim url As String = System.Web.httpUtility.UrlPathEncode("https://...etc/RPFINGLAU02_Q0001QueryResults?$select=CPOSTING_DATE,CCOMPANY_UUID,CGLACCT,TGLACCT,CFISCPER,CACC_DOC_UUID,TACCDOCTYPE,CNOTE_IT,TOEDREF_OBJ_TC,FCDEBIT_CURRCOMP,FCCREDIT_CURRCOMP&$filter=PARA_COMPANY eq '" & companyCode & "' and PARA_SETOFBKS eq '1000' and PARA_GLACCT eq '" & corpAccts & "' and ( PARA_FISCYEARPER ge 32022 and PARA_FISCYEARPER le 82022) & orderby=CPOSTINGDATE")
Dim url As String = System.Web.httpUtility.UrlPathEncode("https://...etc/RPFINGLAU02_Q0001QueryResults?$select=CPOSTING_DATE,CCOMPANY_UUID,CGLACCT,TGLACCT,CFISCPER,CACC_DOC_UUID,TACCDOCTYPE,CNOTE_IT,TOEDREF_OBJ_TC,FCDEBIT_CURRCOMP,FCCREDIT_CURRCOMP&$filter=PARA_COMPANY eq '" & companyCode & "' and PARA_SETOFBKS eq '1000' and PARA_GLACCT eq '" & corpAccts & "' and ( PARA_FISCYEARPER ge " & "1" & wfYear.ToString & " and PARA_FISCYEARPER le " & fiscPer & " )&orderby=CPOSTINGDATE")
Dim url As String = System.Web.httpUtility.UrlPathEncode("https://..etc/RPFINGLAU02_Q0001QueryResults?$select=CPOSTING_DATE,CCOMPANY_UUID,CGLACCT,TGLACCT,CFISCPER,CACC_DOC_UUID,TACCDOCTYPE,CNOTE_IT,TOEDREF_OBJ_TC,FCDEBIT_CURRCOMP,FCCREDIT_CURRCOMP&$filter=PARA_COMPANY eq '" & companyCode & "' and PARA_SETOFBKS eq '1000' and PARA_GLACCT eq '" & corpAccts & "' and ( PARA_FISCYEARPER ge " & "3" & wfYear.ToString & " and PARA_FISCYEARPER le " & "8" & wfYear.ToString & " )&orderby=CPOSTINGDATE")
Dim wRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
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